Roach Down

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Limping back to my apartment building it soon got really dark. I don't know for how long I've been out but it seems as if it was for hours. When getting home I quickly bandaged my leg and threw myself onto my couch, I also made sure to fling my ice onto the injured ankle before finally relaxing after a LONG day. 

After sitting in 10 minutes of silence unsuccessfully being able to sleep I pulled out my remote from in between the sofa cushions and put on some 'Family Guy.' Peter is driving his famous red car at high speeds that is tied to the other end of a toy rope that Brian is holding onto as he is being dragged by Peter. 

"Just give me the rope. Nobody has to get hurt , Brian." 

As soon as those words leave his mouth a blonde, curly-haired child on his bike in front of Peter gets sucked into the front of Peter's car and goes tumbling over the car. Peter realizes this a says, "Only one person has to get hurt, Brian." 

I let out a deep roar of laughter as I witness this scene go down. I was then taken aback with a small light shining on my face reflecting the outline of my living room blinds. Twisting my head to see the source, I spot what appears to be a metal arm for some reason. It may be an amputate with a metal arm that is reflecting off the street lights onto me. But why is he or she on the roof of a building? 

To investigate I slowly get up from my grey, L-shaped couch and walk towards the window. Feeling my ankle has healed a little bit more than earlier today I quickly jog to the side of my window and peek out of the corner to look through the gaps of my blinds. With a clearer view I was able to tell the the person was facing in my direction and possibly looking at me. 

Just as I was about to discover more about this weird stranger, my phone dings from on top of my marble counter-top, it was a message from Steve in our group chat letting Natasha and I know that Fury has been seriously injured and to report to the hospital near Steve's Apartment building. I hurry to find and put my vans on again, but taking a brief moment to look back out the window where the strangers presence was no longer there. 

I don't know whether to be concerned or be creeped out. Pulling up to the front of the hospital in my red McLaren P1 behind Natasha's Black Corvette I rushed inside meeting Natasha and Steve already inside staring through a one-sided glass. 

"Is he going to make it?" Natasha asks as we witness his operation being done live. 

All three of us stood there side by side in front of the glass, Steve had concern dripping off his face, Natasha looked like her heart was breaking, and I was just in shock that this S.O.B might not make it. Fury and I weren't always the best of friends but he did make sure Natasha and I were always taken care of and comfortable. 

"I don't know" Steve replies unsure of the outcome. 

"He has to it's Fury." I said trying to convince more myself than anyone else. 

His heart rate was normal the doctors seem to be calm, so everything appeared to be running smoothly so far. "Tell me about the shooter." Every word that came out of Nat's mouth was laced with bitterness. 

"He's fast. Strong" Steven lowers his head while I add "He's also a dick." 

I huffed, none of our eyes left Fury as we conversed. "Had a metal arm," Steve concluded causing me to internally gulp and answer my own question from before. 

I should be concerned. So the same guy I fought was the same guy on the roof? Holy hell. I decided to keep my mouth shut until more details are released about the situation. "Ballistics?" I asked. 

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable." Agent Hill informed. 

"Soviet-made" Natasha and I concluded. 

Instantaneously Doctors begin to scramble and the only noise I heard was the heart monitors one tone song. "Don't do this to me Nick" Natasha whispered. 

The doctors pull out the Defibrillator shocking Nick not once but twice in the chest failing to get any response from him. In this moment I let tears run down my eyes, I notice Natasha taking this harder than Steve and I. 

She kept repeating those words to herself while I kept saying "Come on Nick" to myself. That was the moment everything grew silent you could practically hear a needle drop. Natasha tried to fight back tears while Rogers stepped outside. 

"Time of death 1:03 a.m doctor" the nurse said the the operator. Around early of the next day we were able to see Fury's body before he left. 

Steve and I let Natasha have a moment with his body until Agent Hill came "I have to take him" She said with tears in her eyes as well with a sad tone. 

Natasha simply put her hand on his head before angrily walking out. "Natasha!" I yelled with Steven behind me. She spun on her feet. 

"Why was Fury in your apartment?" I turned to Steve questionably wanting the answer as well due to this new shocking information. 

All he managed to get out was an unconvincing "I don't know" before Rumlow interrupted. 

"Cap, they want you back at S.H.I.E.L.D." To which Captain responded "Yeah, give me a second." 

But Rumlow wasn't having it "They want you now." 

Steven just sassy as he is gave him a dry "Okay" before turning back to Nat and I. 

"You're a terrible liar." I half halfheartedly smiled along with Natasha proceeding to walk away together.

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