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Anna's P.O.V

 After Bucky's birthday, it hasn't really been different except for the fact that we are more expressional. When we watched movies, we would just sit side by side, now his arm is wrapped around me and we cuddle. And sometimes I would catch him placing a light kiss on my head.

Going to the market now involves hand-holding at times, we weren't really the type of people to be attached at the hip everywhere. When we were it usually involved Bucky and I interlocking our fingers.

We didn't greet each other differently than we always did, and our goodbyes stayed the same as well. It wasn't a big change, but it was a change nonetheless.

We were comfortable being this way, nothing dramatic, overly clingy, or overly lovable. This was our way, and I loved it. I hate comparing relationships because everyone is different, but I felt so much happier than when I was with Richard.

Ever since Bucky 'saved' me at the warehouse I have been trying to step up my game. I have really lost it since coming here.

I was starting to get back to normal or maybe even doing better than before, the only issue I have is the language barrier. I would spend some nights just reading the dictionary I had and repeating the pronunciation of the words so I would get the hang of it.

Even though on this week's mission I didn't need it because I was going to a touristic part of town which is also where the museum Bucky took me is at.

This was a living city, lights, shops, hotels, casinos, etc. This was one place I had to make sure I disguised myself because of the abundance of American tourist that come by.

I was after Grigore, he would take prostitutes from the streets and kill them after raping them.

Although there have been worse crimes in this area, I have taken it upon myself to take care of him first because of a personal vendetta.

For a week now I have been posing as 'Nikki' the American prostitute, a newbie. I bought flashy and tight clothes and dresses that should last me only a week and wore the same blonde short wig. It wasn't abnormal for prostitutes to wear wigs so I fit right it.

Some of the girls on the block spoke really good English and the others struggled with it. I became close with the 'best sellers' there, Ashley and Tiffany, of course, those were fake names. They took me under their wing and gave me tips on how I could snag a customer.

I was always uncomfortable when pimping myself out, but I knew I had to look the part.

It is said that every Friday Grigore takes his next victim. No one knows what he looks like, sounds like, or what car he drives because he makes sure there are no witnesses.

I also heard he ruins the best day of the week for business for these women. No one knows when he will strike or where, but this was the spot where the best of the best is, this was his favorite spot to hit.

Today is Friday and it was past 10 o'clock at night.

I was getting nervous that maybe he would miss this spot this week, I didn't know what he looked like, so I kept my eyes peeled.

There weren't many girls out compared to the rest of the week. There would usually be 10 or more girls on this block, but today there is about 4 that are testing their luck. None of which were my new-found friends, so I was left in Ashely's side on my own.

All the other days I would leave my weapons at home and just choke the guys until they pass out so I could take their money and save it to give back to the women. This time I brought a knife strapped to my back and a gun strapped uncomfortably between my breasts hoping I hid it well.

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