Broken Whiskey Glass

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After my shower I left my wig aside, keeping my hair loose and wavy I also put on dark wash jean shorts, a grey tank top, fuzzy socks, and black vans.

 It was now late at night I grabbed a kitchen knife, some money, and a plain black hoodie before heading out the door on the hunt for a good six pack and a well-aged whiskey. 

I don't know a good find in Romania when it comes to a six pack but I remember my dad always talked about his favorite whiskey "Canadian Club" so I definitely picked that up and a beer with cool packaging "Silva". 

Without even taking the time to go to my apartment and leave the receipt and bag in my room I just went straight to Bucky's apartment room. I knocked while hiding the bottles behind my back once again at his door with a gift. 

As soon as he opened the door I noticed his clean hair loose, he had a plain blue T-shirt, black jeans and black socks. He still seemed extremely tired from his constant lack of sleep. 

"Hello, soldier! I got you something. Can I come in?" He nodded and proceeded to move aside and closing the door behind us.

 Looking around I saw some small newspaper articles on the windows for some reason, I tried to get a closer glimpse of them but I was interrupted by his voice. 

"Why do you have a knife?" he asked. 

I spun around to face him still keeping the bottles hidden. "I went out to get you something, it's late at night, and I'm a girl" I emphasized. 

"They need it more than you" he pointed out being absolutely correct. 

"Anyways... Ta-Da!" I pulled out the six pack in my right hand and the whiskey in my left. 

He didn't really seem to care. "Well, since you asked,  you seem to be restless so I thought I could come over and help you relax. What do you say?" I smiled. 

For the first time ever he gave me a slight smile. "Sure" he said. 

"Oh my gosh the Grinch has a heart" I laughed until his face contorted. 

"Oh man, I have so many things to show you!" I put everything in the fridge and popped open 2 beers, then handed one to him as I moved to sit next to him on the couch and turn my body to sit Indian style facing him. 

I wasn't much of a beer person nor was I interested in straight whiskey but I thought Bucky might be and if not we could always go out for some soda or juice. 

I waited until Bucky took a sip first and when he didn't hate it I took a swing. It tasted pretty weird but it was tolerable, maybe after three I won't have anymore. 

"Do you like it? I didn't know what to get" I sighed taking another swing of the beer and trying to find some enjoyable flavor in the beer. 

"It's not bad" He said plainly. Well looks like I will be driving the conversations.

"Okay okay Do you remember when you were younger and watched Christmas movies at home?" I carefully choose my words to not trigger some emotions within him. 

He looked like he was thinking intensely as he sipped on his beer. "Yeah, Rudolph" he says lifting the right corner of his mouth a bit. 

"Me too. I would always lay with my mom Christmas Eve drinking milk. Remind me to show you the movie 'The Grinch that stole Christmas'," I laughed thinking about how it kind of reminded me of him. 

Suddenly a light bulb appeared on top of my head. I quickly got up to find a pen and the journal I gave him before sitting back down. I skipped all the pages he had written on stopping at a blank page, I wrote down "the Grinch that stole Christmas". 

I guess he caught on because he spoke up with a movie suggestion "I remember about a year after or the year of Steve's parent's death, a movie came out, I forgot the title" I think I know what movie he is talking about but my focus was on how he remembered Steve, I was squealing internally at the progress already. 

"Gone with the Wind?" I asked, everyone knows and has probably seen that movie and it was amazing I loved it but for him I'll pretend I didn't see it. 

"Yeah, you know it?" I nodded my head after finishing my first beer tonight. 

"It's a very well-known movie" I wrote that movie down, then I got up popping two more beers open. 

"What about Wizard of Oz?" Once I handed him the beer he thanked me and also shook his head. 

"It sounds weird. What is it about?" I sat back in my position facing him and gave him a brief description of the plot of the movie which also came out in 1939 with Gone with the Wind. 

He seemed to like the idea of the movie. "Oh my gosh! You and I will have a Star Wars marathon!" he laughed at my excitement. About three beers and a bunch of movie suggestions that I made later, we moved on to the Whiskey. 

"Do you drink it straight up or do you want a chaser?" I asked grabbing the only dirty glass cups there were in this kitchen. 

"Straight" he said as soon as I looked in the fridge for a chaser, looks like I'll be drinking it straight too. 

I bring both the glasses and the bottle to the couch where we are sitting. "How long has it been since you've had alcohol?" I pour us the average amount of Whiskey for the both of us. 

When he took it from my hands he stared at it sadly. "70 years" With all that he has been through I think he could use this Whiskey, not that'd it do anything to him. 

"Well cheers to finishing the whole bottle tonight" I said clinking our glasses, this time I drank with him. It smelled horrible, tasted super strong, and it stung the back of my throat, after my sip I ended up coughing my lungs out and cringing at the taste while Sergeant Barnes was in a fit of laughter. 

"That's good stuff. Thank you Anna" he says finishing his laughing attack. 

"Well... I'm glad... someone likes it?" I manage to get out, It's going to be a looong night. 

"Do you remember the last time you had one of these?" I regret my next decision but I take a big quick gulp from my drink, it tasted less horrible than the last maybe because I swallowed it without even tasting it. 

"A couple days after Steve rescued me and the rest of the Commandos, we went to a bar to recruit them for the mission... My last mission. I was invisible to Peggy Carter that night, first time a woman payed no mind to me" I felt bad for him, he really needed this. He laughed a bit before ending his sentence.

This was the first time since being here where he opened up to me. I didn't want to force him into telling me anything but I did enjoy him embracing the memories. 

"So ALL the women fawned over Bucky?" I laughed, internally crying after I finally finished my first cup. 

Onto pouring my second cup and Bucky's third, he spoke up again "I had a way with them" he smiled. 

"Put a move on me" he seemed shocked so I repeated my statement "I want to see Barnes in action" I giggled at his awkward expression. 

"I don't ... um I" I noticed he was a bit uncomfortable and having trouble communicating with me so I interrupted. 

"It's okay Bucky. I was just curious, you don't have to."

We surprisingly talked all night, mostly about some stories about Steve which seemed to sort of brighten his mood a bit. I mostly shared some funny stories I had in my vault that I swore to Steve I'd never tell a soul, I just couldn't resist. 

The night was full of laughter and around 1:00 in the morning we had finished the bottle and possibly fallen asleep. I don't remember. 

I do remember having such a good time and being the clumsy person I am the night resulted in a broken whiskey glass that for some reason made the night more entertaining.  

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