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Bucky always showed up to train with the arm, and the better he got with it, the longer the days were in between training sessions until he barely had to train with it any more. Those days Anna would try and find some sort of fight to involve herself in but in a place like Wakanda there as no need. 

She was surprised at how her and Bucky have quickly trusted this place and grew comfortable. They were comfortable enough for them to stop worrying, and when they stopped worrying they started to enjoy more. 

Anna often helped with the outdoors work while Bucky was gone. When he was with her they would split the work, and work together while also having some fun. The more time they spent in Wakanda the more smiles came from them. 

Ana waited until Bucky came back from training, as usual, so she found herself washing their clothes, while the children helped her. 

In the middle of washing the clothes Barnes greets the children before taking a seat next to Anna facing a different direction than she was just so he could see her face better without having to turn his head. 

Anna turned her head to give him a quick peck on the lips. "How was it?" she asked curious to know about practice. She never once not asked him how practice went, and Bucky appreciated it so much, once he even took her with him to see for herself and he loved it. 

But he didn't always want her there doing nothing and just watching him, he thought she would just get bored. 

"Much better. I'm kind of growing on the arm," he said handing Anna the clothes to wash. 

"That's good to hear Barney," she teased a bit, smirking as she avoided his gaze. 

When Bucky first trained with the arm everything felt unfamiliar, because the arm was different. It took him a while to get used to an arm that was willingly attached, but once he was getting comfortable with it he started to enjoy it a bit. 

"They have also been working on something for you?" Bucky stated getting Anna's full attention. She stopped cleaning and just stared at Bucky in shock. 

"Wait... Why? I don't need anything. What is it?" she asked, slowly going back to her activity, but Bucky smirked a bit while looking down at the fabric in his hand. "You'll see soon enough" he smiled handing her what was in his hand. 

When each item of clothing was done washing, the children were nice enough to hang them on the clothing wire for them. Anna and Bucky stayed seated watching the children enjoy such small acts. 

Anna loved children more than herself, it didn't have to be her child for her to risk her life. This often came from her, only child, life where she dreamt of a sibling. 

Bucky loved children especially since he was the eldest of four. He watched the children help as he thought about the days when he was younger and played with his brothers. The thought of his younger times with his brothers brought him to the one brother he still had, "How's Steve?" he asked Anna. 

She was the one that mostly communicated with him but each time she spoke to him Bucky would leave her to speak, unsure of what to say to Steve. 

"He's good," Anna started as she turned to face the same direction as Bucky. She scooted closer to him and rested her head on his right shoulder as he took his right hand to rest on top of her hip. 

"You know how I told you he was trying to grow a beard?" she asked smiling at the laugh they had agreeing that they were used to his baby face. 

Bucky smirked remembering the same conversation, "Yeah?" he waited for the rest of her statement, curious about the beard progress. 

"Nat says he is complaining how itchy it is," she laughed imagining an itchy Steve complaining and Nat and Sam being tied of it. Bucky chuckled at the thought of his best friend still being the same person. 

Anna could see the difference in Bucky's smile when it comes to Steve. She had tried to get Bucky to talk to Steve on the phone, but he was nervous. When she has talked to Steve about it he tells her talking on the phone was something that never appealed them and that he would try to visit but it's been a while since that conversation. 

It made her think about when T'Challa called, he called Steve first, but he didn't come along. "Bucky can I ask you something?" she asked sitting up straight and peering into his eyes that matched the lake in front of them. 

"Of course," he answered looking into her eyes a bit worried at her serious expression. 

"If Steve would have come instead of me, would you have asked him to stay?" she asked curious about how he felt about Steve now. Bucky found the question random and silly, but he would still answer it. 

"I don't think so. I know he has a lot to do," Bucky responded without thinking about it thoroughly. Whereas Anna held a smile with attitude behind it. 

"So why did you ask me?" She asked to tease him, and when he understood why she asked he laughed along with her. 

"Cause I had nothing better to do?" She teased again gaining more laughter from them both. Their laughs meted together, Bucky's cheeks were starting to feel numb from all the smiling. Anna's ribs were starting to hurt from all the laughing. 

"No you know that's not it at all. It's different," he smiled at her thinking about the times she's protected him from his own mind and how much she's taught him. Another difference between their time in Romania and their time in Wakanda, is in Romania Anna felt this constant need to fulfill the Kostroma image in the place where it all began. 

In Wakanda she felt like the only thing she had to do was make Bucky feel happy. "I know," she answered back wanting to kiss him again, but the missing sound of children's playful laughter made her and Bucky grow suspicious. 

It wasn't that the laughter faded because that would be the case that they had run off somewhere else. But that wasn't the case, the laughter had stopped abruptly. Anna and Bucky looked over on their right side to see the children staring in awe at something in front of them. 

Both Anna and Bucky got up while searching for what the children were staring at. Almost instinctively Bucky stood farther ahead of Anna until their eye landed on a casually dressed Steven Rodgers with what Anna would call a 'stupid hat.'

Steve smiled at them appreciating the joy he saw between them and how much they deserved it. Anna's smile was the first to go past her ears, as she was excited that the duo was reunited. Bucky raised a smile and laughed at himself for even being on guard in a place like Wakanda. 

"I was beginning to think you'd never show up," Anna laughs as her and Bucky walked towards him. This time Anna walked in front to hug Steve first. 

Their hug was quick but firm while Bucky and Steve held each other tightly in each other's arms looking as they would never let go. 

Wanting to give them some alone time Anna walked away and got rid of the viewers around.

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