Project Insight

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I waited in the agreed upon building while Sam went to retrieve Sitwell and bring him back to me so that I could help take him to Steve upstairs.  As I saw Sitwell coming out of the car with Sam I immediately grab him by the arm and pull him towards the stairs. 

"Welcome Mr. Sitwell. We've been expecting you" I say with a sarcastic smile as I shoved him aggressively into the elevator of the building. 

"It's your lucky day you get the rooftop view" I say pressing the last button on the elevator, which wasn't the roof, we needed one flight of stairs to reach the rooftop of the 100 plus feet building I assume.

"I don't see what Pierce sees in you" Joseph seethes I assume it's to get a rise out of me so I ignore him and just stay staring at the elevator door with a firm grip on his arm. 

"Or why the Russians praise you so much. You don't live there or even speak the language!" He exclaims. 

"My ancestors did. They always believed that Russia or its surrounding countries were never under the correct protection. Not even with hundreds of assassins being trained day in and day out at that time. People naturally follow those who do right by them and never fail them Mr. Sitwell, just how Captain America is with America" I added. 

I shouldn't let him anger me but I don't like when people disrespect me or my job. "My mother saw how strict Russia was getting with their restrictions on her, so she traveled around a little before she fled to the freedom country to be happy. She decided that this place was good enough for her first born and only born child and unfortunately Mr. Sitwell people like you and Pierce are proving her to be absolutely wrong in every aspect."

I yank on his arm to pull him out of the elevator and reached our floor to then go up the flight of stairs we had left. I could hear him in pain due to my tight grip on his arm but i could care less. 

As I approached the door to the roof where Nat and Steve were I whispered in Josephs ear, "You better hope that Captain holds himself back as I did." Tired of him and 'being nice' I straight up kicked him towards the door causing it to fly open and Natasha, Steve, and I to follow his rolling body. 

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm" Steve demands as Joseph walks backwards to avoid us getting any closer to him while putting his glasses back on. 

"Never heard of it" He rushes. 

"Cut the shit Sitwell." I answered angrily fed up with his victim act.

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?" Steve bombards while continuing to walk towards him at high speeds. 

"I was throwing up. I get seasick" He says as soon as he almost tumbles over the edge of the building. 

Steve grips his shirt tightly and brought their faces closer, "Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers."

 He laughs not knowing what's coming to him. "You're right. It's not" Steve lets him go and wipes away the wrinkles on the man's arm that he gave him before continuing. 

"It's hers."

 He moved out of the way to let Natasha kick Sitwell off the building letting him fall.

"Wait. What about that girl from Accounting, Laura... Li" Natasha starts, trying to figure out her name having a casual conversation as a man falls on the side of a building. 

"Lillian!" I said striking gold.

"Lip piercing, right?" Steven asks continuing the casual conversation. 

 "Yeah she's cute" Natasha coo's. 

"Yeah. I'm not ready for that." 

Sitwell's screams could be heard signaling the Falcon's arrival. Sam drops his carelessly behind us and he lands putting his wings away, which was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Scared to death by our presence as we walk to him, he finally confesses on his hands and knees with one out signaling for us to stop.

"Zola's algorithm is a program... for choosing...Insights targets." He breaths harshly with ever pause. 

"What targets?" I ask. 

"Them!" He points at Natasha and the Captain before quickly continuing. 

"A T.V anchor in Cairo, the Under Secretary of Defense, a high school Valedictorian in Iowa City,... Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA. Now or in the future." He finishes. 

All I was stuck on was why was it just Natasha and Steve, and not me. Not like I want to be killed it's just I don't want them to be killed if we are practically all in the same. 

"In the future? How could it know?" Natasha asks. 

He just laughs as if it were the most hilarious thing he's heard. "How could it not? The 21st Century is a digital book." 

He gets up from the ground then continues, "Zola taught HYDRA how to read it. Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, emails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores! Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future" He huffs.

"And what then?" I question genuinely worried but trying not to show it. 

He doesn't seem to answer my question he just looks at me then looks to the floor. "Oh, my God. Pierce is going to kill me."

 Steve noticed and took a few steps closer to get in his face, "What then?" he yelled.

"Then the Insight helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time." 

We stood there shocked at the seriousness of getting those helicarriers to be stopped A.S.A.P. 

"Um, okay but why only Steve and Natasha? Why not me? not that I'm dying to be on the list" I asked him with a hint of sadness just thinking of the damage those carriers could do at a time. 

"Pierce has had a special place in his heart for you. No one must touch the hair on your head, he says he need you" Sitwell says calmly creeping me out more. 

"For what?!" Natasha yells while holding onto me like the mother she is to me. 

"A special mission" when those words came out of his mouth I shivered due to the chill that went down my spine just thinking about ever being under HYDRA's control. He was very vague but it made it all the more scarier not knowing it all. I didn't want to know it all.

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