Mystery Man

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The scariest moment since the snap was finding out I wouldn't get Bucky back. That was until about a minute after I heard the news I fainted which never happened until I got pregnant. Everything was okay because I was caught before hitting the ground

I've been being watched closely ever since. It's been about 3 months since the snap and as of last week I'm 6 months pregnant. This girl has been moving around inside me and it felt weird. 

Tony left us and promised to give me a home for me and the new girl so that we would have our own space. He was very sweet to do so especially since we haven't seen him in 2 months which I assume is him trying to get some space from us.

And for about two months I've been numb to the pain of losing Bucky. There were no pictures of him around, of course because we are in the avengers facility. I've mostly been pushing those feeling to the side so I don't get emotional and faint or have a panic attack again. 

There are moments where I find myself missing the hell out of Sam, and that was strange. As annoying as he was, he sure as hell was funny. I loved him like a brother like the annoying one, Steve is the cool older one. 

Thor is usually the next in like when it comes to annoying me, but after he killed Thanos he disappeared. And now since Thor wasn't here, Rhodey was third annoying. He was always calm but sassy, when the sass was out that's what would make me laugh. Or when he would be cocky.

Currently I was in the gym, doing workouts to keep me on my toes and ready. I was currently doing one of my favorite training's, it's been a while.

Steve came walking in at 7:00 like he always did. He used to fight me on doing too much, now he gave up and let me be. "You know I used to always be the earliest one at the gym?"

Steve's mental clock always brought him to the gym at 7:00 and if he missed that time it was probably because he went even earlier.

Too bad I now come in at 5:00 every morning. Weights, cardio, training, etc. I never kept track of when I left, I just focused on getting here in the first place.

"Yeah well there's a first for everything darling." I took a deep breath, relaxing a bit before I made my next move, "Friday, activate shooters."

Just like before, arrows came from random directions, some faster than others, and I managed to get them one by one. I felt like I was going slow, still faster than yesterday.

"Most pregnant women sleep in," he said catching the surprise one I have been missing lately.

"I'm not most pregnant women."

"Clearly," he huffed handing me the arrow. "You should take it easy until Bruce gives the okay."

A fart escaped my mouth as I heard that sentence. "Every time I go in he says I'm fine. So... I'm fine." I brushed off his statement and started cleaning up.

"It wouldn't hurt to check up on the baby more often just to be sure." In all honestly I hated going to Bruce cause I felt alone, Bucky is supposed to be there with me. I checked up in the baby maybe 3 times. And that was when I first found out and got healthy again, after fainted, and when she started moving I wanted to see what was going on in there.

I placed my hand on my moving stomach and thought about what Steve said. "Please," he begged. Inside my little girl moved around which usually happens after my work outs.  Looking up from my belly I spotted Steve sporting a frown and puppy eyes. 

"Okay, I'll see if Nat isn't busy." As I was walking out Roger called my attention. 

"I'll drop everything to go with you, I promise. Let me know," he offered. He has told me before that he would help me if  I needed anything but never in that way. And I appreciated it. 

I nodded my head and smiled at him. "Love you," I yelled on my way out. 

"Love you too," he yelled back. 

The first place I'm going to look is in her room, to see if she is there. Most often then not she'd be in there at this time. And she is the first thing I see entering her room. She was never asleep, she wakes up at 6:30, she just gets ready for the day around 7. 

"Hey, big belly, how are you feeling?" she laughed. She is putting her boots on, so I walked over to her and take a seat next to her. 

"Pretty good, I kind of wanted to ask for a favor."

"Anything for you. What's up?" I fiddled with my fingers nervous to ask her to join me. I wasn't the kind of person to ask for favors even if it's just to join me for something.

"If you aren't busy, but if you are don't worry about it. If not would you come with me to check up on the baby?" She immediately stood up and brought her hand out to me. 

"I'm not busy at all, let's go."

The first thing I did was shower before heading over to Bruce. I was too sweaty and smelly to be around people for long. 

Bruce was already in the lab reading a book when we walked in. I could tell he was biting the inside of his lip by the way his mouth was positioned. The only thing is, I knew he wasn't reading, he was thinking. 

"Are we interrupting anything?" Natasha knocks on the open door as we walked in. 

He immediately puts his book down and jumps out of his seat. "No, no I was just reading." He nervously gestured for us to fully enter his chambers. 

"Anything interesting?" I asked laying down on the medical bed. 

Bruce shook his head and started getting the tools to do the sonogram. This time I was nervous, is she okay in there, I hope she is eating good, I hope she is developing okay. Natasha could see the worry on my face, so she took it upon her self to take my hand in hers. 

Once the cold jelly was spread on my belly I stared intensely at the screen in search for my baby and her heart beat. Bruce brought the device onto my stomach and she popped up on the screen. 

Her heart beat sounding soothing. I think she was asleep since she wasn't moving, I can tell she's just like me sleeping through anything.

"It looks like everything is okay, it's healthy and developing really well." I let out a breath I didn't realize i was holding. "If you want I figure out how to tell the gender." 

"I thought you knew the gender already? Isn't it a girl?" Nat asked us both. 

"Well I wasn't sure how to tell last time she came to check," Bruce explained. I didn't really even ask for the gender. I knew it is a girl. 

"I know it's a girl anyways, that's how it always is in my family. We've only ever had our first born a girl." Although no one has ever had a second child after that which is strange, I've always wondered if I could have had a brother. 

"Well... It's a good thing you came in today," Bruce turned the screen so that Natasha could see her as well. He started pointing at her head, legs, and fingers. Then he circled something that looked like a little blob attached to her. 

"That is the sign of your baby being a boy." I took deep breaths because if I was being honest I felt like fainting. I didn't have anything against whatever gender the baby was going to be, it's just....a miracle. 

Who would have thought I'd be the first to stop the chain. Did anyone in my family think this was possible? How do I make sense of this?

"Are you okay?" Romanoff asked catching my attention. I nodded my head and asked for the picture of my baby. My baby boy. 

I was happy thinking it was a girl, but now that I know it's a boy it makes him even more special than I thought. I think I felt happier knowing I am having a boy. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I saw the figure on the screen. 

"I can't wait for you."

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