Steven Barnes

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December 14, 40 weeks pregnant. My boy has been swimming around in there like if he was in the olympics. His due date was last week but I guess he isn't ready to get out yet. My belly is kind of starting to weigh and my back was starting to hurt a little. My feet swelled a lot in the past few weeks.

Exercising wasn't that bad. I was carrying my own weights anyways. Eating while pregnant was a weird experience once my baby got to move. And although I had my house for three weeks now I stayed at the compound with Nat and Steve helping me through my panic and anxiety attacks at times. They suggested we move together in the house but I wanted the new home to be for new beginnings.

No one liked the idea of me being on my own with the baby but at least I was close to Tony just in case I needed anything. I've been feeling contractions all morning and they were pretty frequent. It was 1 in the morning when the contractions started and now it's 5 and everyone is still asleep. I had a hospital bag prepared for this moment in my closet. I grabbed it and walked to Nat's room.

I knocked to see if she was already awake or to see if she was even in there at all. When I didn't get a response I slowly opened the door and see Natasha rubbing her eyes.

"What happened?" She asked sitting up from the bed and stretching.

"I'm going into labor," I said feeling a contraction as I said it. I tried told the pain in and stay calm as I got my crew.

She twisted her head to look at me. I nodded my head and laughed a little at her reaction. "Go get Steve, no rush, and we'll get everything ready." I nodded my head and went waddling to Steve's room. His room wasn't far from mine but with this contraction it started to feel like a 5 minute walk. I walked into his room since he has his doors open at all times. I knocked on the door frame. I knocked to grab his attention seeing as he was already awake and sitting on the side of the bed.

"What are you doing awake?" He asked me first looking at me concerned.

I placed my hand under my belly to relieve some of the pain going on until it went away. "I was going to ask you the same thing," I smiled.

"I heard you waddling to my room." He has always left his room open for me to come in whenever and by the time I get there he was usually awake and his response would be that he heard me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and by nature I nodded my head. "Oh but I'm going into labor."

With that Steve jumped into action and took his current shirt off as he spoke to me. "Wait in the living room for Nat, I'll get the car ready."

I walked away and into the living room holding the pain that came almost every 10 minutes and lasted a couple minutes. As I waited I saw Steve rush to get the car and Nat on the phone with her bag and Steve's bag on her shoulders.

When we made our labor plan, Stevie and Romanoff decided that they would also pack an over night bag. One persons stays one day and the other the next until I am released. I wish I had my mother and father to see me and Bucky. At least I had my two besties, two of three that is. Sam hates when I call him that but I know he secretly likes it.

"Okay the doctor told me she is on her way and Cap says he's ready." This is it the moment we've been waiting for.

We all got in the car, Steve driving and Nat in front while I sat in the back. Everyone and then Natasha would reach back and crease my stomach and tell me everything is okay. The hospital we were going to with the doctor we called was one of the ones from the facility that didn't disappear. She went how. To be with the family she had left when the disappearance happened. When we found out I was pregnant we gave her a call and found out she was working in a hospital close by.

She wasn't much of a delivering babies doctor but she knew someone who could help and trust. No one could know I am having Bucky's baby or having a baby period.

After Hydra took my I tried to be careful about Bucky. Fortunately I fell in love with his quiet ass. Although we got married in secret I'm sure Hydra has a suspicion when word probably got out that he rescued me. The baby wasn't even born yet and I was already scared of what might happen to him.

When we arrived at the hospital we entered through the back so no one would see us enter and they took my to my extremely private room. The windows where tinted specially for me. No one could see in but we could see out. The nurses on staff for my time being would be three women who we hand selected. One is Victoria which the doctor entrusted the most, we did background checks and everything. 

The second one is Mesa, a nurse I found and flew from Bucharest when I was there. She helped me when I was hiding my missions from Bucky. She's knows nothing about babies but she's mostly there for me. And the third nurse, Luis, has also help delivered babies especially in secret babies for royal families, celebrities, etc. I had to give him a call. I have got them all together about a month ago to come down to be ready for my birthing.

I have meet with them, talked about what I want and don't want to happen and also I made it clear not one of them can say the real reason they are here. I was greeted with their faces in my room ready for me.

"He's finally coming," Luis says helping me change into the hospital gown.

"About fucking time," I huffed.

5 hours later.

The only people in the room with me while I was giving birth, besides the doctor, was Rodgers and Romanoff. Steve was the bravest one in watching the baby come out. And being my friend for the longest time as well as it feels like I've known him my whole life. He was the only other guy,of course besides Bucky, I'd allow to be there and see the birth of my son. Natasha moved from my side to cut the umbilical cord.

We immediately did skin to skin and it was a pain that I'll never forget. It was worth it once I heard my baby crying above my own. His little wrinkly fingers on top of my chest. He is chunky and gross but he is mine. "What's his name mama?" A nurse asks me when he called down. 

They wrote his time and date of birth on his little hospitals crib and all that is missing is his name. I NEVER thought of the name as much as I was asked I always just said I'll figure it out later. "Steven Dragomir Barnes." I spelled it out for her as she wrote it down. 

"That's a powerful name," the Luis says. 

Of course the first name was after Steve who has taken care of me from the start. The middle name is after my grandpa who I barely remember. From what I do remember there were plenty moments of me and him going to the stores together in Romania, and he was the kindest soul I knew. He was the sweetest person, everyone loved him even though he looked like he could tear you in half if you look at him.

I looked over at Steve and see him smiling at me. Natasha and Steve took a picture of me and little Steve in my arms before they took him to get wrapped up. I was regaining my breathing and cooling down a bit as the doctors where cleaning me up.

Natasha and Steve left the room as they were getting everything ready in the next room. I am so happy I didn't have to go through more hours of contractions because that would have been a nightmare. The drugs did a lot and it was an experience I could just imagine without drugs.

Steve later walked into the room with his bag talking to one of the nurses. "They said that in 30 minutes the room will be ready and they'll bring you in."

I nodded my head and looked at his bag. "You're taking the first shift?" I laughed a bit. And took my bag and started putting the clothes I had on in there and putting a new hospital dress on the table.

"I'm staying until you leave. Nat can hold down the fort while we're gone." I smiled and reached out for his hand.

When he placed his hand in mine I thanked him. 

Steven Dragomir  Barnes born December 14, 2018 at 10:40 in the morning. 

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