A Beautiful Mess

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"I didn't mean to pull the trigger." Detective Truman stared down the young housewife. He had heard many bullshitters in his day, but either she was telling the truth, or she was a damn good liar.


Ever since she discovered the Food Network, my only hope is that I can kill myself before my wife makes me eat more of her poison dishes.


In space no one can hear you scream; that did not stop Guy from making an attempt. He ejected from the airlock and was floating into the nothingness of space. His crew-mate Josiah watched as he drifted away. The Xur bug attached to his cortex burrowed deeper.


The soft aura of the console lights did little to subdue the blood-soaked bridge. Space madness had infected the crew, and they had ripped each other apart. It poisoned their minds slowly. The cold air was stagnant among the silent dead.

(Author's Note: Any time I mention "space madness" I am reminded of the Ren and Stimpy episode of the same name. This time I combined it with my favorite SciFi/Horror movie Event Horizon.)


He was dead, but still a hero. His flair and lust for a life defined the zeitgeist of his era. Others could imitate but never duplicate. The problems only grew because he didn't know he was dead. The beginnings of a raging poltergeist had manifested.

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