The Science of Strange Fiction

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Jones held in his hands the first alien artifact ever discovered. His joy was tempered by the professionalism of the news conference. Light years away from the Zithians all laughed at the Earthling hoisting the statue's penis on live TV.


An ancient relic was the last thing LT Rogers expected to find on the moon. The sphere allowed a person to stare into the black aether. The ancient ones waited for the portal to open and finally destroy the Earth.


"No, what I find strange is that you have a uni-brow. I find it strange that every time I reach into your belly button, I find blue lint. I really find it strange that after 20 years of being together you would want to throw it all away for someone else."


"How could you be so dumb? If I gave you 2 guesses as to which way an elevator was moving, you would still get it wrong. I realize that statistically half of all people are below average, but you make me feel like I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe."


It was a strange and vicious cycle moving from love to rage again. Someone always had to pay the price. If it was the truth, they wanted so be it. Cold steel talked louder than any words. Right between the 3rd and 4th rib with a twist. AHHHHHHH!!!

Micro Stories: Volume 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant