Zombie Stomper

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They stood with their backs against the tree. All the escape routes were cut off.

"You ready?"

"As ready as I'm gonna be."

"Come get some creeps!"

The trollites attacked.

(Author's Note: This is a line from a longer WIP that I hope to one day turn into a novel called Lilly The Zombie Stomper.)


He loved her, but from a distance. She was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He would continuously toil away on a plan to meet her. His best friend suggested just going up and saying "hi," but he was too shy for that. It was never that simple.


It was a pervasive understanding that an assassin was cold-blooded, unfeeling. Lisle was no jerk, but he often visited untold travesty into peoples' lives. He was known as the "Weeping Angel of Death" because he cried for every person he killed.


Life is one big comedy. Played out solely for the sake of love. Eddie was a bank robber who fell for the teller he was robbed. He slipped her his phone number with a wink and a grin and ran out the door. It wasn't until later he realized he robbed the Subway next to the bank.


You may be asking yourself at this moment, "Where is God?"I can assure you that he has nothing to do with this. I was sent to do the Devil's work. My place in Hell is waiting for me, and with any luck, your mansion in Heaven is prepared for you too. We all play a part.

(Author's Note: This is based on some choice lines from the horror movie The Devil's Rejects.)

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