Conversations and Serial Killers

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It was not that she doubted the veracity of his story, but it was a hard listen from one pensive. Gary was someone she hoped to one day connect with on a personal level. Now, it seemed, that would be an impossibility.


Tragedies often seem to unite us. Modern psychology wants us to believe that on a fundamental level we are all connected emotionally. It's true that we feel for our fellow man; it's also not spoken that it is better when it happens to them and not us.


"I love you."

"Bitch, please! You love yourself."

Her eyes were looking down instead of at me.

"You can't even look at me when you say it. That's how I know you are lying. Get out!"

"But Joel..."

"Get the hell out!"


It had been raining for days. It matched the storm raging inside. There was no light left in his soul. He had crossed a line that he could never come back from. Death haunted his eyes. It would be only a matter of time before the enemy caught up to him.


Technology had let Janice down. The truth was online dating sucked. The guy across from her was cute enough but empty in the head. Mike loved the access this new dating app gave him to the world. He could pick his victims from the comfort of his own home.    

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