Romance and A Bleeding Sky

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I just noticed you have beautiful eyes. Your lips are begging to be properly kissed. I plan on touching every inch of your body, so if I ever go blind, I'll still remember exactly what you look like. I'm addicted to the taste of you.


"Stranger things have happened?"

"Really? When? The sky is bleeding, the portal is open with demons pouring out, and I'm out of ammo."

"Yeah but remember when we saw that Chinese Crested named Spanky."

"Dude. You need to get your priorities straight."


I must keep hope alive

Feeling the pain

Where once I died

Open wound I let you in

A life consumed

With where I've been

I must keep love alive

Tears for me

Relationship suicide

I live with regrets

No longer care

Lost on a hedged bet

I can no longer bear

Being Without You

(Author's Note: Sometimes I use a song as a base for poems and keep the rhyme scheme the same.)


"Keep your damn hands off me."

"Sorry. I was just trying to help."

"No, you were trying to grab my ass."


"And keep your hands off me unless you want to lose them."

She had asked me to break into this place. I wondered what was inside.

Micro Stories: Volume 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant