Down the Rabbit Hole

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He sat with his arms crossed while she stared him down. "Well?" She said. "Well, what?" He replied matching her tone. Her eyes narrowed, and lips pursed. He stared back but could not match her intensity. He could only laugh. Her facade broke, and she laughed too.


"I'm not keeping a secret from you." Christine's eyes welled with tears. "I'm just not ready to tell you about this part of my life." 

"Well," Aaron began as he moved towards the door, "when you are ready to let me know, keep it to yourself." The door closed behind him.


Jan's fist sank deep into his opponent's stomach. The contents of a cheap diner's offerings spilled onto the ground. A kick to the face ended the fight. Jan watched the shadows for any more movement. Moments passed, and their depth remained unchanged.


The fog did not conceal the sound of the gunshot or the scream that pierced the night. Raymond found the unknown lady bleeding out on the sidewalk. He frantically tried to stem the flow of blood, but life had already left her eyes.


"They call themselves the momaths."

"What the hell is a momath?"

"They're from the Jabberwocky poem by Lewis Carroll."

"A literary reference? How clever."

"Yeah, and just like the poem this crime scene makes no sense."

(Author's Note: Yes, you are correct that this story is based on Alice in Wonderland.)

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