The Unluckiest Page

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The soft glow of an obscured sun made him feel a little better. Walter knew that he took a big chance when he handed in his resignation. 30 years on the job and now he was starting over. He told himself that it was okay to begin again.


"I'm pretty freaking far from okay."

"You act like we never saw anything like this before."

"I've followed you across time, space, and other dimensions, but this is too far."

"I guess it is strange that everyone here looks like your mom."

"Ya think?!"


The thump, thump of the dragging body, echoes off the walls. My basement has flooded. Good thing I have plenty of space in the attic.


The bio-luminescence was a result of a million years of evolution. The glow from the caves could be seen at night. Many wondered into the beasts' cave attracted like moths to a flame. Most don't notice the bones until it's too late.


"Once you start chasing the dragon it's game over."

"So, I inject this into my veins, and I can travel across the dimensional barrier into an alternate reality?"

"Guy you'll be seeing pink stars, yellow moons, green clovers, and little grey men."    

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