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The door had opened and a young beautiful lady came in swaying her hips back and fourth with her knee length skirt that fitted her body well. She smiled at me with a couple of papers in her hand. "Hello Mr. Styles, I just need you to sign a couple of things to agree you will be the new teacher." She spoke. I had forgot to tell Daisy the news only to have her suck harder. I signed the papers and as soon as she was walking away Daisy coughed underneath me and her face swung in my direction. She came closer and glanced at me and my desk. "Huh.. odd." She made her way back to the door and left.


I attacked Harry with a bunch of kisses and traveled them down his jaw to his neck. He seemed not interested and I sighed and looked down at my fingers. He looked like he really wanted to get something off his chest and something was bothering him. "Daisy.. I need to tell you something." He waited a few seconds. " I met someone at the bar the other night." I looked up at him with shock.

My stomach dropped at his words.  I was gathering the sentence he had just said and pulling them together. We confessed our love for each other and now he's telling me he met someone? My eyes started to water. Does he only want me for sex? Is he using me? All the thoughts came rushing into my head.  I couldn't speak no words could come out of my mouth.

"Daisy I should have told you,  I still love you I thought if I saw someone else to see if you were really the one and I couldn't do anything with her." I scoffed knowing that if he really did then he wouldn't have saw someone in the first place.

"Maybe I should take some days off away from you just how you shoved me off at the beginning of the year and maybe I won't be so easy to get back this time two can play this game." I stormed out of the room and slammed the door walking out to the car. How could I be so stupid all of this I fall in love with someone and they go off with someone else they just met.


I went up to Harry's room and grabbed all my clothes and stuffed them into my suitcase. Since I stayed at his house nights I decided it was best to just bring some of my clothes from my closet. I rolled the suitcase out to my car and raced off to my house.

The door opened in my room and I laid on the bed. It felt like I spewed my heart out to someone and get everything they needed out of me to throw me off to the curb. I thought me and Harry were just starting to get better in our relationship. I don't understand why he was seeing other people? I don't know but what I do know is that i'm really needing someone right now. I looked over at my phone and wiped my tear stained cheeks and grabbed it to dial the number I haven't seen in awhile.


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