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written by: @/ thewiseandfree

Pairing: Tom Holland x reader (AU) (Gangster!Tom)

Word Count: 2703

Summary: Thomas Holland & Y/N Y/L/N couldn't be more different. Of course, they had no knowledge of each other until Y/N takes a job as a waitress and a certain place owned by england's biggest crime boss.

Warnings: Swearing, they also in a strip club so...mentions of sex.

| | Chapter 2 |

"Is there a fucking reason we have to go back there?" Tom looked up from his phone. "We were there three days ago."

"You own it Tom." Harrison chuckled, taking a sip of his scotch.

"Just because I own it doesn't mean I want to spend a every fucking night there." Tom ran his hand through his hair. "You think that some shithead that owns a meat processing plant likes to spend time there?"

"Except you own a strip club, which has shirtless to naked women walking around." Harrison chuckled. "That's a big difference from meat processing." Tom rolled his eyes.

"It's gets old." Tom sighed.

"Mate how do you not like it?" Harrison leaned forward. "I mean like..."

"Okay—yeah I enjoy the female body Haz, I am attracted to women—but strip clubs aren't...attractive." Tom shrugged.

"How." Harrison chuckled. "It's a naked women dancing on poles." He looked his friend, a small smile on his face.

"Because they are getting paid for it." Tom muttered leaning forward and took Harrison's scotch from the table. "I have no problem if a girl decides to do that because she wants to do it...not because she's got no money and if forced to sell herself for it." Tom said sipping at his drink. "It's unattractive, they are just acting." He mumbled.

"Some of them aren't." Harrison grinned. "And come on mate—I know you slept with a few of them." Tom leaned back, a small smile on his face.

"Exactly." He shrugged. "It gets boring." He smirked.

"Oh so you think that you slept with a couple of them that they are all the same?" Harrison asked.

"They are all the same Haz." Tom shook his head. "Every so fucking...flirty."

"You don't want them to be flirty?" He asked.

"They are always trying to be something they aren't." Tom muttered. Harrison shook his head.

"So you are looking for someone then?" Harrison asked.

"No." Tom let out a breath a smile on his face. "As much as my Mum begs me, no."

"Why not?" Harrison shrugged. "If you think every girl is the same find one that is different and date her." Tom raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, because I can just date who ever." Tom shook his head.

"Fuck mate, yeah you can." Harrison smirked.

"You know that's not how it works." Tom chuckled. "What am I gonna join tinder and under the the description say that I'm a leader of the biggest mob in england?" He joked. Harrison chuckled and shrugged.

"Maybe if would help if she didn't know what you did." Harrison grinned.

"Don't give me advice Osterfield." Tom muttered. "You remember I don't have fucking time for a girl—"

"Then get laid mate—" Tom rolled his eyes.

"That alone is too much work." He muttered. Harrison paused and leaned back in his chair.