Another Lifetime + Sam Holland

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Written by: @/ toms-accent

Part 2 of the ‘Clair de Lune’ Series.

ANNOUNCEMENT: I’ve decided to make the Clair de Lune into a series! Just a small one, close to four parts, and we’ve already got two up so it’ll be interesting to see how this goes!

Summary: Cold hands are difficult to play with, so Sam decides to help with that. Also- Tom hopes for another life time.

Warnings: Slight swearing (from Tom so…), slight fluff, and embarrassingly awkward Sam.

Words: 1,850 

The London winter had only just begun, but it seemed to be dragging on. And as you walked up to the Holland house, for the second time that week, you couldn’t help the shiver that climbed up your spine. You knew you needed to remember to wear your mittens, but just couldn’t seem to keep the minuet detail on your mind when there were so many other things bouncing around up there. Those things were mostly thoughts about Sam; about how his arms wrapped around you while his fingers danced over yours, and how he looked at you so shyly but yet, so confidently. You had already had two weeks of lessons, twice a week because he claims that you’re his ‘favorite student’and you ‘deserve’ special treatment. You blushed at the thought, reaching a pale hand out to ring the door bell, but you didn’t have to. 

Before you could even notify anyone in the house of your existence, Sam was already at the door, ready to open the warm house up to you. You smiled gratefully, walking in and letting his hand graze the small of your back. You weren’t sure why he always did that when guiding or leading you, but you didn’t question it…Nor did you want to. Maybe it was a dominance thing, or maybe it was his way of showing affection? You weren’t sure yet.

Sam leaned down and wrapped your chilled body in his warm embrace, which you accepted cheerily. You pushed your body up against his, pressing your face into his chest, his arms holding you a little firmer than before. After the hug between the two of you the other night, these had become an often occurrence. Something shared between the two of you when none of the others were around, something just for the two of you. And you both liked it that way.

“You’re freezing, darling.” He chuckled as he pulled your shoulders away, peeling your coat off of you and hanging it by the door. You laughed, taking off your shoes and scarf, placing them alongside the maroon coat. “It’s horrid out there!” You exclaimed as the two of you began to walk into the living room, he smiled back at you as he entered the kitchen.

“Would you like some tea?” You hummed in approval, loving the way he had made it the last couple of times. He chuckled as he started the kettle, pulling out two mugs and two tea bags, “Early Grey?” He asked, already knowing my answer. I only looked at him, my eyes dancing as he only smirked back at you. 

“I’m gonna go ahead and go over the song a few times, if that’s okay with you.” He only nodded, giving you a proud, “Of course, love” while smiling back at you. 

As you walked off, Sam turned to watch you. A peaceful smile making it’s way onto his face as you walked around the corner towards the music room. He felt pride well up in his heart when he heard you start the piece flawlessly. He helped you make that, he was the one you came to every week, and he was the one that pushed you to be better. He was falling in love with you, and he was falling hard, and there was no way he could stop it. He could only hope you were doing the same, and he would be sure to catch you.

When he came into the room, setting the mugs on top of the piano, he sat down by you smoothly. He watched you finish out the measures he had told you to work on from the last lesson, noticing how pale your hands were. His eyes filled with concern, and when you looked over at him, yours did too.