Don't Wanna Be Your Man (Tom Holland)

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   written by:@/ nothingbutimagines  

Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warning: None
Summary: The Reader is out with Cole Sprouse when she drunkenly decides she needs to go home to Tom. But, when she bids Tom goodnight, she slips up and reveals to Tom that she has been cheating on him
Author: Dizzy

"Come on, Y/n, just one more shot. Please?" Cole begged, grabbed a hold of your arm and pulled you toward him.

"No, Cole. I gotta go home, Tom's been asking where I've been." You replied, your words coming out a bit slurred.

"What have you told him?"

"That we've been hanging out with Tasha and them most nights or I've been going over lines late into the night."

"So, you told him you were cheating."


"Yes." Cole pulled you toward him and kissed you quickly. "Babe, every one knows when someone says they're working late, it means that they're trying to hide something."

You pouted, your ill feeling eased as Cole kissed you softly. You deepened the kiss before you pulled away.

"I should go home."

"You could sleep here, stay with me a little longer."

"No, babe, I need to go. Tom will throw a fit if I don't come home for a third night in a row." You explained as you rose from the couch.

"Let me drive you back."

"No, thanks. I'll catch a cab." You smiled and walked to the door.

Cole cleared his throat and you rolled your eyes, turned on your heel and walked back to where he sat. He chuckled lightly as you bent over and kissed him.

"Can't leave without kissing me." He stated. "Text me when you get home?"

"Don't I always?" You countered, turned on you heel and left.

You shivered as you left Cole's apartment, the cool night air chilling you to the bone as you caught a cab. You played on your phone the whole ride home, not really thinking about anything in particular. You arrive home sooner than your drunk mind realized and stumbled to your apartment.

Tessa scurried to the door as you opened it, only to almost trip you on your way in.

You kicked off your shoes, changed into your pajamas, hastily took off your make up and climbed into bed. You were drunk but not entirely wasted as you curled up next to Tom.

"Y/n, you're home." He spoke softly as you hummed in response.

Tom smiled at your tired face and kissed your head tenderly.

"Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight, Cole." You murmured before falling asleep with ease.

Tom laid still, shock consuming him. He was in disbelief. Had you just called him Cole or had you misspoke? He knew you and Cole were close friends, but he couldn't believe that the two of you were anything more than that. He felt as if he was overreacting as his brain churned, leaving him restless.

You had awoke the next morning to the bed shifting due to Tom departing from the warmth of the sheets.

"Tommy?" You groaned.

He felt his heart lurch ar the sound of you saying his name. He thought he wanted to see you up and out of the door, but in the moments between the syllables of his name, he second guessed himself.

Maybe you weren't cheating on him, maybe you were just spending a lot of time working with Cole. But, Tom knew better than to foolishly follow that lie.


Tom turned to face you, his girlfriend, the one he thought he'd marry one day. He had once been in love with the way your hair looked when you woke up or the way your eyes shone, but looking at you was killing him inside.

"What happened last night?"

"You, uh, you came home late. I guess you had a fun night out with Cole and Tasha?"

"Yeah, I guess so." You chuckled.



"Why are you cheating on me with Cole?"

Tom's question shocked you, but not nearly as much as Cole's name falling from your lips shocked him the night before.

"Who- who told you I was cheating?"

"You did. Last night."

"I did no such thing."

"Oh really? Does 'Goodnight, Cole' help jog your memory?"

Your face fell as you processed what Tom had said, the memory coming back to you.

"Shit." You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "Tom, I- I can explain."

Tom raised his hand. "Save it. I don't want to hear what you have to say."

"But, Tom-"

"Just get dressed, grab your things and go. I can't keep doing this, Y/n."

Tears started to burn your eyes as they burned in Tom's at the sound of his words. He hadn't planned on saying that to you.

"Tommy, I didn't mean for this to happen, honestly." You explained. "It just happened and it was temporary love at first and then it became something more."

"Save it, Y/n! If you didn't mean for it to happen, you wouldn't have done it! It's just that simple!" Tom snapped, feeling his rage start to bubble up in the back of his mind. "Goddammit, Y/n! Every night for a week, I waited for you to come home and for what? For you to sleep with another man behind my back?"

You climbed out of bed, grabbed your backpack and began to pack your clothes into the bag before you pulled on a fresh outfit.

"If you want me gone, then, fine, I'll go." You snapped. "I'll just go to Cole's."

"Fine! Go run to your fuck buddy!"

Tom had enough. He couldn't save the relationship, in that moment he knew that to be the truth. He had thought you could work it out, but when he shocked himself by yelling at you, he knew he couldn't just let it go.

"I should've just broken up with you when Cole told me to!" You cried, the tears finally falling. "I don't wanna be your girl anymore."

"And I don't wanna be your man anymore. Not after you did this to me, not after you stopped loving me for the right reasons."

"I don't love you, Tom." You spit out the words you would later regret, the ones that were a bullet in Tom's heart.

"You're lying."

"I'm not." You said sternly. "I love Cole. We're gonna get married, unlike you an I."

"I was going to ask you to marry me one day. But, fine, go on and hate me for no reason. Don't expect a wedding gift from me."

"I won't expect anything from you." You turned on your heel and headed out the door.

That was the last time you had seen Tom besides on a television or silver screen and the same had gone for him.

He moved on, met another girl and fell in love while you and Cole eventually broke up after he had cheated on you, leaving you with the knowledge of how Tom felt the day he forced you to walk away.