That Girl (S.H. x Reader)

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Written by: @/ sam-hollands-darling

That Girl

Sam Holland x Reader

Requested: Yes! By an anon!

Words: 1k

Warnings: Angst, swearing, meanie sam, but kind cute near the middle/end

Sam Holland finally got the girl he’d been chasing for about three years. He got the girl while you stood by, wishing, hoping that’d he’d see that you were there instead. But he never did.

With this new girlfriend of his brought a new attitude. It brought a new Sam that you didn’t like. This girl took your best friend away and replaced him with a jerk, to say the least.

This new Sam introduced conflict into your friendship and it was awful. You two fought almost everytime you were around each other and he became flakey and started to ignore your texts and calls.

You started to get irritated and wanted to do something about it. Except you couldn’t. You didn’t dare to take this girl out of his life if he was happy with her. So, you just powered through it the best you could. Until you couldn’t handle it anymore.

You were on the verge of having another argument as you stood in the middle of his kitchen. His family was out for the night, and you and Sam already made plans for a movie night.

Sam irritatedly sighed and ran his hands through his hair, giving up on the conversation. But you weren’t done yet. You had another bone to pick with him. 

“You know, your new attitude that this girl brought you is very annoying. You’ve changed so much lately.” You said.

Sam scoffed. “Jealous much?”

“Oh, sorry, my best friend’s entire personality changed because of some girl-”

“She has a name.”

“I don’t care. I don’t care. I’m sick of who you’ve become, Sam.”

“Fuck’s sake, Y/N, what’s your problem?” 

My problem is that my best friend has turned into a dick. All because he got a girl after so long.” You crossed your arms as he placed his hands on the counter island you were standing on opposite sides of and leaned forward.

“Y/N, she’s not the one you think you’re talking about.” His voice wasn’t raised anymore but was still at his usual talking volume.

“Then who is it? You’ve been talking about this girl for like three years and you don’t even bother telling me her name?”

“You wouldn’t get it.” He said standing back up straight. His phone buzzed on an end table in the living room. You watched as he walked towards it.

“If you just told me who she is then maybe I would get it.” You called out after him. Sam just smiled to himself before looking at the text on his phone. His smile faltered slightly, but he kept his composure.

“Hey, maybe this ass of a best friend you’ve got will disappear now.” You walked over to his side and read the text on his screen before looking up at him. You hugged him.


“Cut the bullshit. I knew she was just wasting my time. And I pushed that girl away by dating her.” You let go of him.

“You never told me who she was.” Sam tossed his phone onto the couch and went back into the kitchen, opening the fridge to grab a soda. You pulled yourself up onto the island, watching his movements.

“She’s beautiful. She’s got this smile that lights up an entire room and whenever she laughs, I can’t help but laugh too. She’s got the kindest heart and she is stubborn, for sure,” He stood in front of you as you sat on the counter, opening his drink. “Her eyes are gorgeous. I love how independent she is and how she has this cute little quirks.”

“Who is she?”


You sat there for a couple seconds, before sliding off the counter.



“…Are you sure?”

“Preeeetttyyy sure.”

“Hey, Sam?”


“Kiss me.”

He grinned and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you in. He stared deeply into your eyes before placing his lips on yours. Your hands played with the hair at the nape of his neck as he pulled you closer. When you pulled away, he rested his forehead on yours and you giggled.

“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to do that,” Sam told you, laughing.

You kissed again and afterward Sam turned on some music and you two slow danced around the Hollands’ kitchen.

You decided you were meant to be in his arms. Meant to be the one he was with. He agreed very strongly.

Tom walked into the house to find you and Sam asleep on the couch, you in his arms.

Tom just turned off the lamps and lights in the kitchen before rolling his eyes, smiling, and walked upstairs.

The digital clock on the tv stand showed 3:42 am when Sam woke up. He smiled at you in his arms and closed his eyes to fall asleep again, murmuring the words “I love you” before drifting off again.

At 7 am, Tessa jumped on top of the two of you and you groaned, pushing her face out of your own and hiding your face from the sunlight in Sam’s chest.

“Wake up guys! You gotta get ready for my game!” Paddy told you, trying to pull you off of his brother.

“Just a minute.” You said, muffled. Sam laughed and you got up. You and Paddy raced upstairs into the guest room where you stored all the clothes you had at their house. Paddy helped out pick out an outfit and you shooed him away so you could get changed.

You stepped out of the guest bedroom and Sam was leaning against the wall and held his hand out for you to take, which you did, before leading you downstairs.

“So, let me get this right,” Harry said. “Your girlfriend broke up with you and then you confessed your feelings for her and you kissed and here you are?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” Sam laughed as you all piled into the van to go to Paddy’s game.

“Well, at least Sam’ll have someone who isn’t a brat to spend his time with instead of gushing about you all the time.” Harry commented, making you giggle.