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     It was raining outside as I finished packing up my final items to take over to Jun's home. I had about 3 bags. A suitcase and two back packs. I had taken my school supplies since I would be attending school over there for a few months. I packed my clothes in my suitcase and backpack. The other backpack was filled with personal items such as my toothbrush, laptop, drawing supply and other things. I packed some pairs of shoes as well so I wouldn't be wearing the same pair of pumas for 6 months.
"Mom, I think I'm ready." I threw my backpack of clothes down the stairs. "Aish, don't throw your stuff. You expect me to pay for everything you break?" My mother spat from down stairs. I walked quickly down the stairs in my white pumas, Jean shorta and a sweater. My hair was in a high pony tail today with my bangs hanging loose. I was wearing my circular shapes glasses today too since I didn't feel like putting my contacts in. As I got downstairs, I found that my cat was rubbing against the couch.
"What will we do with Maca? She's gonna be here alone." I squatted down to Maca's height and rubbed her stomach. She purred.
"You'll take her, I told Jun you'll be keeping her in your room." My mother stated as she grabbed the backpack that I threw on the ground.
"Good thing I'll be having my own room, I thought I would have to sleep in one of the boys' room with them." I sighed out of relief. I'm already stressed that I'll be going over there and stayed with 8 boys for 6 months.
"I'm not that evil. Anyways, let's go before the rain gets worse." My mother grabbed her umbrella, my bag, and Maca. I followed my mom outside, closing the door behind me as I left. I got into my mom's black Honda Civic (ya boy gotta be specific). I threw my bags in the back seats while Maca climbed into my lap. My mom started the car, pulling out the driveway. I pulled out my earbuds and phone, putting in the password and going straight to Spotify. I put my earbuds in and enjoyed the 3 hour ride that was ahead of me.

     Upon arriving my new house for 6 months, I saw that we werent in the city. I forgot that they lived in a secluded neighborhood in the countryside. I took my earbuds out of my ears as I saw that my phone was at 30%. I don't want to waste my battery. "Look whos up." My mother looked over at me for a second and turned back to the road.
I made a mumble noise in return. My stomach was twising and turning as much as the road ahead of me was. I was nervous to be in a house filled with 8 guys for half a year. That means 6 weeks worth of blood and a lot explaining. Maca was asleep in my lap, I felt that she wasn't purring so I pet her. I made her purr again.
"What if I get homesick?" I asked, turning toward my mother who was concentrated in the road in front of us.
" 'I'm in high school, almost graduated, I can fend for myself.' " My mother mocked my tone of voice, referring to what I had said the day prior.
"Yah, shut up." I yawned. Maca woke up, yawning and stretching herself along my lap.
"You only got your job like a month ago, why are you already going on a trip?" I asked, watching the fields of grass go by.
"I dunno, I asked but they said the office will tell us when we get there. I heard we're going to Tokyo." My mother smiled as she looked over at me for a brief second.
"Aw!  Why cant you take me!" I whined as I slouched down in my seat. I've always dreamed of going to Tokyo. The closest I've ever gotten was Seoul, and that's not even in Japan.
"I would have asked but it's too late to reserve plane tickets." My mother sighed, "we're almost here so get ready."
My stomach immediately twisted and turned all around. I felt like puking.
"I regret my decisions." I mumbled under my breath.
"Ah, don't worry. The boys have grown up and matured from the last time you've seen them. Use protection, too." My mother quickly said the last part. I instantly choked, "oh my god, mom! They're all like 7 in my eyes. I wouldn't want to lose my virginity to any of them anyway!" I whined. Maca meowed at me.
"Anyway, we're here. Get your bags and I'll take Maca. The rain stopped so you don't need your umbrella." My mother smiled as we pulled into a driveway. There was a gate between us and the house. The house was big but not mansion big. It had beautiful architecture and a nice garden. I would have assumed the house was gonna be bigger since there would be like 500 boys living here. The gate opened slowly and my mom continued to drive into the driveway.
"Ughhh." I grumbled. I saw Jun already standing outside with a wide smile on his face. There was another boy standing next to him, but I couldn't make out his face since I was from a distance. My mother parked her car and turned off the engine.
"C'mon Eun." I stayed still. I was literally about to puke my guts out all over my mothers car. Maca jumped out of my arms and went over to my mother. I ended up brining the courage to open the car door. I grabbed my phone and earbuds as I stepped out.
"Eun! Hello, it's been too long!" I heard Jun shout from behind me. I heard his voice get closer to me. I turned around and was tackled by his hugs.
"Yah, it's not like I've been dead for years. You're making my stomach hurt worse than it already is." I grumbled as I struggled to get out of his grip.
"Aish. Hey, Yoongi!  Don't you remember Eun?" Jun called over the boy that was standing next to him. Yoongi, I suppose, looked bored and angry as he walked over to Jun and I.
"Eun, do you remember him? He was the one who always liked you." Jun winked at me.
"Yah, jeesh she's already scared to be here, don't make her think I'm a creep." Yoongi punched Jun's arm. I walked over to the back door of the car and opened it, taking out my suitcase first. I sat it down on the ground next to me as I grabbed my two backpacks. I turned back around to see that Yoongi was already walking toward the front door with my suitcase. Jun and my mother were talking to each other. I sighed as I ran to catch up with Yoongi. I brought myself enough courage to say
"You didn't need to take my suitcase with you..". Yoongi stopped and turned toward me. "Can I not be a gentleman? Here, I'm tired anyways." Yoongi sat the suitcase down. Yoongi walked off to inside the house. I sighed as I stood there, staring at the door.
"Yoongi-ah, that's not nice!" I heard a whine from inside the house. I saw a boy peek their head out of the doorway with a wide smile. "Ah, hello! I'll take your suitcase for you." The boy walked happily toward me. His smile was in the shape of a heart which I thought was the cutest thing. The boy took my suitcase,
"I'm Hoseok. I suppose you've already met Yoongi, he's really stubborn." Hoseok started to walk toward the door.
"You don-" I began before he cut me off.
"Aish, dont worry. I insist on taking your things to your room. I have to make a good first impression anyway." Hoseok smiled as he walked into the house. I stood in my spot for a few moments. I've been here for 5 minutes and I can already tell there's going to be 7 completely different personalities here.
"You alright? Come in, we don't bite." Hoseok stuck his head out and laughed.
"Yeah." I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I walked inside the house. The house was way bigger on the inside than the outside. There was a stair case leading up to a second floor, which I suppose is where their rooms are. The living room connected to the dining room, and the kitchen was its own seperate space. There was a island connecting to a wall where the kitchen was on the other side of. I could catch a glimpse of the backward, which I saw a pool and garden. I looked around the house in awe. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone shout "dibs". I looked around to see where the voice came from. It came from upstairs. I saw two boys leaning from the balcony type thing. 
"Yah, idiots! You can't call dibs on a person." I heard Yoongi complain from the couch.
"But she's pretty!" I heard one of them shout.
"She hasn't even been here for 10 minutes and you guys are already hitting on her." I saw another boy walk out from a room and walk down the stairs. The two boys who were upstairs ended up dashing down the stairs and toward me. One of the boys pushed one out of the way.
"Hello! My name is Taehyung!" The boy smiled with a wide-boxy smile.
"Ow! That hurt!" The other boy whined as he moved closer to Taehyung. "I'm Jimin." He bowed. Jimin ended up taking both my backpacks from me, leaving Taehyung with a pout.
"I'm Eun-jae. You can call me Eun, though." I bowed in return.
"Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Jimin smiled as he trailed off behind Hoseok who was walking upstairs. I followed them, assuming they were walking to my room.
"We already set up your bed, so you don't have to worry about that. Your bathroom is ok, too." Hoseok said as he opened the door to my new room. Both him and Jimin walked into it. I followed them.
"Oh. It's so big." I smiled. Jimin smirked as Hoseok nodded. I knew exactly what Jimin was thinking. They both sat my suitcase and bags down.
"We'll let you set up your room and you can come downstairs when you're done. We're all dying to get to know you." Jimin smiled as him and Hoseok walked out of my new room. "Eunnie, come give your mother a hug!" I heard my mother shout as she walked up the stairs. I walked out of my room and walked toward her.
"I'll miss you while I'm in Tokyo. Make sure to call me often." She hugged me.
"I will, don't worry. Be safe on your trip. Do you have Maca?" I asked as I pulled away from her hug.
"She's down there with the boys. I have to go now, love you Eunnie." My mother hugged me once more. I returned her I love you. I watched as she walked down the stairs and exit the house. Now it's just me, the only girl in the house. Besides Maca, of course. I turned around and saw someone standing there. It spooked me, so I stepped back a bit.
"Oh, sorry did I scare you?" The boy said as he stepped back too.
"You're fine, I was just surprised." I said in a soft voice. The boy laughed. "I'm Jungkook. I could tell you were tense as soon as you walked through the door. Don't worry, us boys won't try to hurt you or make you uncomfortable. But watch out for Jimin hyung and Taehyung, they tend to get clingy and handsy too fast around girls." Jungkook smiled. He seemed like a very nice kid, so I was interested in being his friend immediately.
"Watch out for me too." He said with an innocent tone and smile as he winked at me. He walked off downstairs, leaving me to be a blushing mess. I quickly hurried to my room and closed the door. Gosh, everyone here is so beautiful. So far I've met 6 and seen 7. So there's 2 boys I have to meet and one I have yet to see.

(I have low hopes for this story tbh)

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