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I rolled over in bed, soon feeling that the bed wasn't under me anymore and that the ground just appeared on my back. I guess that's a sign for me to wake up. I stayed on the floor for a moment, procrastinating before getting up. I opened my phone on my nightstand and checked the time. It's only 1 pm what the hell. I decided to move toward the bathroom to do my morning routine. I contemplated whether I should leave my hair down or up. I decided to put it up. I quickly threw on an outfit and quickly exited my room. As soon as I closed the door to my room, I heard one open. I turned toward that direction to see Yoongi leaving his room. Im not surprised he slept in this late. I watched as he walked past me and toward the stairs.
"Are you just gonna stare at me or do something else?" Yoongi spat before walking down the stairs.
"Morning sleeping beauty." I smirked as I followed him down the stairs.
"Ew." He replied.
"Look at the two night owls finally coming out from their slumber!" Jin cackled from the couch, along with Hoseok and Namjoon. Yoongi got to the love seat before me, sprawling himself on it. I ended up taking the single seat. Im going to guess I claimed this as mine.
"Morning, Eun." Hoseok smiled, holding Maca up and making her little paw wave at me.
"Morning." I replied, waving back at Maca.
"Where are the others?" I asked, looking at the show Namjoon and Jin were watching. They were watching a cooking show.
"They went out for a bit, I didn't ask where but they just said they were going out for an hour or two." Jin answered as he started at the T.V. intently.
"How long ago was that?" Yoongi asked before I could.
"About 3 or 4 hours ago." Hoseok stated. The boys didn't seem to care that they be been gone double the time that they said they would be back. Jin seemed too involved with his show, Namjoon and Yoongi seemed to be too comfortable and Hoseok was distracted by Maca. I opened my mouth to say something, but as if it were on cue, the boys walked into the house.
"Sorry we've been gone for so long!" Jungkook apologized as the boys took off their shoes.
"We got too distracted at the mall." Jimin laughed as he ran toward the stairs and quickly up them. The rustling of plastic bags seemed to annoy Yoongi since he made a loud grumbling noise.
"Aish, you're such an old man." Hoseok kicked Yoongis leg that was hanging off the couch.
"Dont disrespect your elders." Yoongi complained as he turned around on the sofa.
"What took you guys so long?" Jin asked, "you took like 4 hours just shopping? You guys are literal high school girls."
"Shh Jin, there's one right there." Taehyung shushed Jin as he pointed at me.
"Yah! She's not an animal." Jin whacked Taehyungs hand. I smiled with a small laugh.
"We're technically all animals." Namjoon said suddenly. I thought he was sleeping. Jin flicked him in the forehead, "school starts in a month, take your knowledge there."

"I need friends." I mumbled to myself as I laid on the couch. All the boys were busy doing their own things either in their room, or out in the town.
"You have us." I heard a voice from the kitchen, which I assume is Namjoons.
"Yeah but I mean like girls. People I can relate to." I sighed, looking at the T.V. that was playing the "Friends" show.
"Have you tried going out to town?" He asked, opening the fridge. I thought for a moment. Not by myself..
"I've only been here for two weeks. I've been busy getting to know you all that I haven't had time to myself." I sat up lazily, looking back into the kitchen and watching Namjoon. He turned toward me with a bowl in his hands.
"Do you want to go later? I don't mind taking you. I mean, I don't have a car or anything but the least I could do is walk with you." He put his bowl down to reach into the tuppleware drawer and get a spoon. I presumed he got ice cream. I thought about it for a moment while checking the time on my phone.
"Yeah, I'd like that. How about 4 we leave?" It was 3:27 pm already.
"Of course, I'll come get you when it's time." Namjoon smiled as I stood up and walked to the stairs and up them.
"Thank you!" I shouted before walking into my room and closing the door.

"Eun-ah!" I heard knocking at my door. I was already standing in front of the door. I've been there since about 5 minutes before 4. I was excited to go out into the town. I immediately opened the door to see Namjoon standing there.
"You ready?" He asked and I immediately nodded. He started to walk off as I edited my room. I closed my door, making sure Maca was still in my room.
"Where are you two going?" Jungkook asked as we passed him.
"To make friends." I answered as I began walking down the stairs.
"I wanna come!" He cried out as he followed me down stairs. We couldn't really tell him no since he reached the door before us. I opened the shoe closet and picked out a pair of dark green shoes, to match my shirt, and walked out of the house with Namjoon and Jungkook. The weather was actually perfect for today. The sun was out and it was hot, but not too hot. The birds we're chirping at each other and the wind was slightly blowing.
"Where's the nearest bus stop?" I asked as I followed Namjoon, assuming he knew where to go.
"There's one at the end of the neighborhood, not too far." He answered. Namjoon opened the gate to exit the yard. He started walking on the sidewalk, soon Jungkook and I follower. We all walked silently while admiring the day. I have no idea what the plans are for today.
"What're the plans?" Jungkook asked as if it were on cue with my thoughts. Namjoon and I fell silent for a moment until I made an idea.
"I guess you two could ditch me while I look around? Someone must have to walk up to me, right? Am I not too intimidating?" I suggested, looking over at Jungkook who was walking next to me. I heard people and kids outside of their homes, playing in their front yards.
"You're terrifying." Jungkook stepped away from me. I assumed he was being sarcastic. We both shared a laugh. His laugh was honestly the cutest thing ever.
"Here we are." Namjoon stopped in his tracks, making me almost bump into him since I was distracted by Jungkooks laugh. We waited for a bus to come, which soon it did.

We rode the bus and the subway since the bus didn't take us into the city. We made our way around the city, walking around for a bit.
"Hey, I'm gonna part ways here, yeah? I'll text you guys when I'm coming back to this spot." I smiled as I turned toward Namjoon and Jungkook.
"Be safe!" Jungkook waved me off as I started my journey of finding a potential friend.

It's been about an hour and a half and the sun was starting to set. I decided to call my adventure a failure. I pulled out my phone and started to text Namjoon that I'm on my way to the meeting spot. I pressed 'send' and started making my way toward it.
"Excuse me?" I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned toward the tap to see a girl a bit taller than me, but looks about my age. She looked like a foreigner, American I assumed.
"Hi, sorry but do you know where the subway is? I've never been to this part of the city and you seem to look friendly enough." She smiled awkardly.
"Oh, yeah! You can come with me, I'm heading there right now. I'm about to meet up with my friends. We're heading there anyway." I looked up at her.
"Ah, thank you." She bowed slightly. We started to walk again. Did I make a friend? I need to get to know her..
"I'm Lauren, by the way. You can call me Ren if you want." Lauren smiled at me.
"I'm Eun-Jae. You can call me Eun." I bowed to her as we were walking.
We started to walk in silence. I admired the sunset for a bit before she spoke.
"Do you want to be my friend? I've only been here for a month and I don't really know anyone here. I moved here for school." Lauren smiled at me. I saw that she had two dimples on either side of her cheeks.
"Of course, I just moved here too. I know it sounds weird, but I'm currently staying with 7 guys." I laughed a bit, "do you want number?"
"Yeah!" Lauren jumped, stopping in her tracks as she pulled her phone out. I pulled mine out, only to see that I had a text from Jungkook.

Jungkook: Eunnie, hurry up ;; Joon and I are hungry and Hoseok just told us that Jin made good dinner tonight~~

I texted him that I just met someone. Lauren and I exchanged numbers real quick and we started to head off again.
"So, why'd you move here?" Lauren asked, attempting to make small talk.
"Oh, well my mother has a business trip in Japan. She doesn't trust me home alone for 6 months so she contacted her friend to see if I could stay with them. And now I'm staying with 7 guys. I've only been here for 2 weeks and I've experienced a lot." I explained. I saw Jungkook and Namjoon on the sidewalk talking with each other. Namjoon spotted me and waved me over.
"That's them, you can walk to the su way with us." I smiled at Lauren who seemed to be laughing at my story.
"Namjoon-ah. This is Lauren, I told her that we would walk her to the subway since that's where we're going." I introduced Lauren to them. They shared greetings as we headed off. I stayed by Laurens side the whole way to the subway. We were talking and getting to know each other while Namjoon and Jungkook shared conversations.
"Do you know where you're heading?" I asked, glancing at the subway map that we were passing by.
"Uh.. I think it's *neighborhood name*. I heard its a pretty popular neighborhood around here." Lauren smiled down at me. Namjoon turned to us, "Hey, that's where we live."
Laurens face lit up, "Ah! Really? What a coincidence. I'm glad to have met someone in my neighborhood, then!"

Laurens house wasn't far from where I'm staying, so I decided to walk her home.
"Your friends are cute." Lauren smirked at me. I laughed.
"Haven't you at least had a small crush on one of the 7 boys yet?" She asked, smiling down at me.
"No.. I haven't really thought of it. Even so, I don't really think any of them are my type." I looked down. Lauren seemed confused.
"What's your type?" She asked as we turned a street. I thought about it for a moment before answering. I don't really have a type, but I'll make something up.
"I like quiet and reserved people. People who.. aren't open but are willing to open once a friendship is close enough. Taller than me. Kind hearted but stern.. I guess.." I thought out loud. I looked over at Lauren.
"Well, one of those 7 boy is have to fit that description, yeah?" She laughed. She came to a halt and so did I. "This is it." She turned toward her house. It resembled mine, but different in many ways.
"Thanks for walking me home, I'll come visit tomorrow, yeah?" Lauren opened the gate, walking into it and closing it behind her.
"You're welcome, and of course. I'll ask if you can stay for dinner." I waved goodbye to her as she walked off.
It's nice knowing I made a new friend.

(I don't like this chapter but I need to update this lmao)


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