Its Unhealthy

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     Yoongi and I had just got back from our day out. We went to Panda Express, then we walked around the city for a bit before coming back.
"That food didn't settle right in my stomach.." I mumbled as I slipped my shoes off.
"Same." Yoongi agreed.
"You two were gone for ages!" Yoongi and I heard a whine from the living room. We turned toward it. Hoseok, Jungkook, Namjoon and Taehyung were sitting on the couch watching TV.
"We got lost." I lied, trying to hide the fact that we secretly ate a lot of ice cream after Panda Express.
"Yoongi should know his way around the city. We've been here all our lives." Namjoon spoke up.
"Namjoon, it's Yoongi we're talking about. He doesn't remember anything that's happened within a hour." Jungkook looked over at Namjoon. Namjoon realized. Yoongi just walked towards the stairs. I walked toward the couch and stood behind it, watching a bit of what the boys were.

It hasn't even been 30 seconds before Yoongi came rushing out of his room.
"Where is it?!" He shouted over the railing of the stairs. The boys and I looked at him in confusion.
"Where's what?" Hoseok asked.
" 'Where's what', you know what! My journal, where is it?!" Yoongi mocked Hoseok's tone of voice.
"Eun-" Yoongi began before I cut him off.
"I don't know where it is, I've been with you all day!" I whined.
"-help me find it." He completed his sentence after I finished mine.
"Yoongi, don't worry about it. It will turn up eventually." Taehyung spoke softly. Yoongi rushed down the stairs.
"You guys have no idea what's in that journal. It would ruin your lives if you read it." Yoongi spoke with a harsh tone. I could see his hands shaking a bit.
"Hey, is it ok if I check your rooms?" I asked the boys. I didn't wanna rummage through their stuff without their consent. That's rude.
They all said it was ok, so I rushed up the stairs. I assumed that Yoongi was going to check the garden and the rest of downstairs.
I skipped mine and Yoongi's room and entered Nakjoon's whose room was in between Yoongi and Jin's.
His room was tidy and had figurines on the shelves.
It's so nice in here.. he even has all these figurines! There's like 100 of them.
I began to search in obvious spots like surfaces of tables, beds, under things, etc. I didn't find anything. I fixed the small mess I made around his room and quickly exited.
I went on to Jin's room, knocking on his door. He called for me to enter.
"Hey-" He didn't have a shirt on.
I looked at the ground.
"Sorry!" He quickly apologized as he slipped behind the wall and put on a shirt. I bit my lip. He was built well.
Shut up, Eun!
"Uh, have you seen-uh..  Yoongi's notebook thing around?" I asked, keeping my gaze at the ground.
"Not at all. Last time I seen it was when he had it in the garden with you this morning." Jin replied, coming out from behind the wall. He didn't face me.
"Oh, if you see it then give it to Yoongi. We're searching for it right now and I guess it's very important to him." I bowed, moving strands of hair out of my face.
"I will!" He said cheerfully as I exited his room. I sighed.
I went on to search Jungkook and Taehyung's messy rooms and Hoseoks some-what tidy room. The last room I had to check was Jimin's.
I knocked on his door. There wasn't a response. I knocked again, no answer. I decided to let my self in. He was sitting at his bed with earphones in, reading something. Once he spotted me, he immediately shut the thing he was reading and sat it beside him. He took his earphones out.
"Eun, what're you doing here?" He asked, a bit timid.
"Yoongi and I are looking for his notebook. Have you seen it?" I asked, walking up to his bed. He looked nervous. Suspiciously nervous.
"Uh.. not recently.." He replied, quiet. I looked beside him at the thing he was reading. It was a black leather journal. It looked like just like the one Yoongi was writing in this morning.
"Is tha-" I pointed at it, attempting to speak before he put his hand over my mouth.
"Please don't tell him. Eun, he'll beat my ass!" He whispered. My eyes widened. I couldn't not tell Yoongi.
"He doesn't open up to any of us and he seemed a bit on the edge recently so I found this in his room while he was out with you. I didn't want to read it at first because I felt bad but.. I just wanted to find out what was wrong with him.." Jimin spoke with a soft, caring tone. His eyes softened and he bit his lip.
I took his hand away from my mouth.
"Jimin, you know it's his private journal.." I mumbled.
"I know, I know. It's wrong, but he's been.. odd recently. I just want to help a bro out. I found out what was wrong with him, though." He smiled a bit at me, reaching for the notebook.
"Here, flip to a page. Any page, he talks about the same thing but in a different feeling on some pages." He pushed the notebook towards me.
"Jimin, I can't-"
"-Eun, do it for your sake. He never let's his feelings out and I bet he'd love for someone to know."
I did as Jimin said. I opened up to a random page. This felt so wrong. I hate it.
I looked up in the corner at the date. It was yesterday he wrote a lot.

Date:  xx/xx/2018
     They get so annoying around her. So happy, so caring, so fake. It's disgusting, but she's believing it. All they want is her. That's who they always talk about. Ever since she's been here it's been like that. She's so clueless about everything. Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok have no idea how to hide their feelings. Jungkook is practically still a child and has no idea what love means. Namjoon and Jin are probably the most responsible about this. I, on the other hand, haven't even said a word about showing interest in her. I prefer not to. Yes, she's a stunning girl and she runs through my mind all day, but I can't bare to say my feelings out loud. They're all better for her anyways. I'm me: -̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-̶-.
I'd prefer not to share my feelings toward people I like. I can't handle rejection well.


She's amazing

It was hard for me to read the last part. Most of it was crossed out. I have a feeling he wrote bad things about himself. He scratched 'shes amazing' into the paper with red ink. I have a feeling its not.. ink. I slammed the notebook shut.
"Just say I found it in the living room and decided to keep it here for safety. Don't tell him, Eun." Jimin spoke, grabbing my free hand.
"Yeah.. don't worry.." I mumbled, quickly walking out of his room with the notebook in my hand. I gripped it tightly.
I looked down the hall as Yoongi ran up the stairs.
"Did you find it?!" He shouted. I could see him shaking from here. I gave a fake smile, holding up the notebook. Yoongi ran toward me, taking it from my hands.
"Thank you so much. Where was it?" His expression went from tense to soft. He looked relaxed.
"Jimin.. he found it in the living room.. and-re-he decided to keep it for safety.." I almost rat Jimin out on accident. I bit my lip.
"Fuck.. I was so fucking scared.." Yoongi had a smile on his face. His tone didn't match his expression.
"Thank you, Eun." He thanked me again.
"Don't thank me. Thank Jimin." I looked up at him. He nodded and started to walk to his room.
"Hey." I called out to him. He turned back to me.
"You know you don't have to write your feelings down and you can talk to me, ok? It's unhealthy.."

Yoongi's POV

     "You know you don't have to write your feelings down and you can talk to me, ok? It's unhealthy.." Eun called out to me. I paused for a moment, licking my lips.
Did she..- no. She couldn't have. I trust her with my life..
I smiled, "I'll keep that in mind."
I rushed off into my room, closing the door and sliding down against it.
Fuck, she's wonderful..
She's the only thing keeping me alive right now and she doesn't even know it..
I wish I could tell her but I don't want to get rejected again..
I have to move on.

"It's unhealthy.."

(Heyoo sorry I haven't updated in a bit. I know most of u don't care lol. I recently got a new phone and the day after that I got a horrible sunburn. My face is swollen and my skin is screaming in pain lol. I have good intentions for this story though and I have been thinking about where this is going. I'll be back around Monday or when my sunburn fades away 😘😘)

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