"You wanna hang out after classes?"

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(Hello! I just wanted to say thank you for 100 reads 💖💖 I like the concept of this story and I like where it's heading, so I'll enjoy updating this. Im going to try to make the chapters longer than 3 thousand words so you guys aren't disappointed when I update with a short chapter. I don't even know if people are invested in the story.
Also, I have no idea who to ship the main character with (ಥ ͜ʖಥ) (ಥ ͜ʖಥ). )

Jungkook and I were walking to class for our first day. Everyone was nervous, besides the older ones. Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Lauren and I were probably the most scared out of all 9 of us.
"Ah, I'm so stressed." I mumbled, holding my bag close to my chest.
"So am I, but I don't think we need to worry much." Jungkook looked down at me, "everyone is just as nervous as us." I nodded in agreement. We spotted the class we were supposed to go into, art.
"We'll sit next to each other, yeah?" I suggested.
"Yeah." Jungkook smiled as we entered the room. No one was here yet since we decided to go early to get good seats. Taehyung wasn't happy about that.
"Hello!" We heard from our right. We turned our heads toward the voice to see a foreign man. Jungkook and I were both confused. He wore glasses that framed his face good, and a suit that wasn't too fancy nor lazy. He looked about in his late 20's.
"Hi." Jungkook and I bowed to him at the same time.
"Feel free to sit where ever you'd like, whoever you sit next to will be your partner for the time you're here." He gestured toward the empty classroom that had about 15 or more tables in it. Each table could fit 2 people. Jungkook and I immediately walked toward one of the tables, choosing one 2nd closest to the wall but still close to the front (aka the 3rd row).
I sat on the inside seat, the left, while Jungkook took the outer seat, the right.
"I didn't think the teacher would be foreign.." Jungkook whispered to me.
"Neither did I." I whispered back, setting my bag on the table in front of me. The tables we're quite large, so we had enough space for ourselves.
Soon as the morning went on, more people entered the classroom.
"There's so many people." I looked around to see nearly the whole class filled. Class was about to begin, and people were quiet and stressed. I could sense the atmosphere in the class was tense. Jungkook nodded at me.
The bell rang for class to begin. (idk how college works so like don't @ me 😤) The teacher wrote his name on the white board. "Noah Dubois" it read. French, maybe?
"Hello, my name is Noah Dubois, as you can see on the board. To answer a question I know many of you are asking: I'm French." The teacher said, moving his hands around as he spoke.
I knew he was French.
The teacher started to talk about himself and why he's here teaching art (because his sister wanted to move here and he was forced to come with to take care of her). After he was done talking about himself, he decided to call on each one of us to say our names out to the class and something about ourself. I feel like I'm in grade school. Obviously, Jungkook and I were scared about this part. The teacher went to each row and called on people one by one. Soon, he ended up calling on Jungkook. He sighed as he stood up from his chair and introduced himself, quiet but still able to be heard. He said that he likes bunnies, which I thought was cute since I never knew that of him. He sat back down, and it was my turn. I was hesitant to stand up, but I brought myself to do it.
"Hello, I'm Song Eunjae." I quickly introduced myself, bowing, "I uh.. I have a cat. I guess.. " I sat back down. Jungkook smiled at me as my face turned pale. The next person introduced them self and it went on and on.

"How was class?" Lauren asked, sitting down at the table Jungkook and I sat at. It was lunch, and people had the choice of going off campus to eat or to eat on campus. We chose on campus, clearly.
"Good, I guess." I mumbled.
"We know that Eun has a cat." Jungkook laughed as he picked up his chopsticks from his tray.
"Yah, shut up. I'm not an interesting person.." I hit his arm slightly.
Shortly, Jimin and Taehyung joined us.
"Where are the others?" Lauren asked, sipping her cup of water.
"They decided to go out and get McDonald's. They didn't tell us untik we were already getting our food." Jimin sighed.
"Ah, that sucks." I said before putting some kimchi into my mouth. We had a conversation about how our classes went.

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