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     After what felt like forever in the pool, everyone started to get pruney and decided it would be a good idea to get out and rest for a bit since we had a long day tomorrow. Everyone except Jungkook, Emin, Gonguk and I. Emin and I were in the hot tub while Jungkook and Gonguk were still in the pool. We were carrying our own conversations.
"So, like, you enjoy that?" I asked Emin. We were talking about spas and massages for some reason. Our first topic was about art, so I don't know how we got here.
"Yeah, you don't? You seem like the type of person who would like it." Emin tilted her head at me. I shook my head.
"It tickles."
She laughed as I said that. She looked over my shoulder at the pool. I was assuming the boys were sound something dumb but I didn't bother to turn around.
Emin stood up in the hot tub and took a seat next to me. I didn't question her movement.
"What's up with you and Jungkook? Literally everyone is talking about how you two act like you're dating." She moved closer to me. I was confused on why she decided to talk about it now, but again, I didn't bother questioning it.
"We don't have anything going on between us. We're friends, nothing more. I like someone else." I looked over at her. She slowly nodded.
"Well.. don't do something you'll regret tomorrow." She nudged me, returning to her previous spot. I sat there in confusion. What did she mean by that? I shook the thought off my head.
I began emerging from the hot tub, adjusting my bathing suit so it fit me right.
"I think it's about time we head to the rooms. I don't want anyone to be worried for us." I smiled at Emin. She nodded and stood up, stepping out of the water. I did the same. At the same time I turned around towards the pool, Jungkook emerged from under the pool water. He brushed his hair away from his face.
"Where are you two going?" Gonguk asked us as we grabbed our towels from the table. I ruffled my hair with my towel.
"Back to the rooms, you two should hurry up or we'll leave you." Emin grinned as she wrapped herself in her towel. I watched as Gonguk and Jungkook lifted themselves out of the pool from the 8 feet deep end. My eyes landed on Jungkooks stomach.
"Eun! It's rude to stare!" Emin hit me on the arm. My gaze averted towards her. I gave her a face as she smirked back at me.
"How long have we been here?" Jungkook asked as he and Gonguk joined us.
"About 30 minutes." Emin peeped. Jungkook glanced up at the glass roof. It wasn't dark outside but it wasn't light, either.
I was about to wrap my towel around me when it suddenly vanished and I was now being thrown over someone's shoulder. I suspected it was Jungkook since I recognized these swim trunks.
"That's not a long time. We can stay longer, right?" Jungkook questioned. I slapped his back a few times.
"Let me go!" I whined as I began to kick my legs. He seemed to ignore my orders.
"I suppose." Gonguk answered him.
"Jungkook!" I yelled as he began walking to the edge of the deep end.
"Guys, I wanna sleep for tomorrow." Emin spoke up. Jungkook hesitated to throw me in, but ended up setting me down after a lot of thinking. I scrambled to Emin, hiding behind her.
"I don't wanna get my hair wet." I mumbled. Jungkook chuckled as he went to grab my towel, tossing it towards me. I caught it and wrapped myself in it.
"Let's go before we get in trouble." Emin smiled.

We all got back to our room and changed into some night clothes. We haven't really planned out where we would be sleeping since the others were waiting for us to get back to make a decision.
"The girls will sleep on one side and the boys on another." Namin announced.
"Thats unfair for Eun and Jungkook!" Bakhyun barked out. Jungkook hit him on the arm.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I blatantly asked. I knew what he was talking about.
"Nothing." Jungkook answered my question. I looked down.
"Everyone else except Bakhyun agree?" Namin stood up. We all agreed.

Soon, we all had our blankets and pillows piled up. We decided not to go for the separation of sides since Daishi and Namin ended up sleeping together anyway. Jungkook and I slept next to eachother. He wasn't directly next to me, he was on the mirrored top of me. Our heads were next to each other but they were both upside down. Emin slept on the left of me and Jowoo on the right. Hyina and Go slept by themselves somewhere.
Everyone was asleep, except for me. In was staring blankly at the ceiling.
I don't get why everyone is assuming Jungkook and I are dating. I don't really see it ever happening. Jungkook seems to be denying it too, which is relieving.
"Eun." I heard a whisper. I turned towards the noise to see Jungkook looking over at me. I smiled.
"Can't sleep, either?" He asked. I nodded. He looked back up at the ceiling, "Same." He sighed. I closed my eyes in an attempt to sleep. I then heard a small snore. I opened my eyes to look at Jungkook. He was fast asleep by now, snoring.
I knew this was going to be a long night.

(Sorry for not updating this story a lot for what ever reason. I've been updating another story of mine that I have soon to release and I really like it. Also thank you for 600 reads 😀 I didn't think id make it that high. Thank you for reading!)

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