Day One

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     I woke up to the smell of God floating around in my room. I opened my eyes and looked around, seeing that I was in an unfamiliar place. That's when I remembered, I'm not home. I sighed as I checked the time on my phone. 9:46 am, I only got 4 hours of sleep..  I ended up staying up last night because I couldn't sleep. I usually take a while to adjust to sleeping in unfamiliar places. My body hates me. I stretched and got out of bed, walking toward the bathroom. I continued to do my regular morning routine: wash my face, put on moisturizer, brush my hair and teeth, change my clothes, and put in my contacts. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a maroon hoodie and black leggings. I wore my hair down today. It didn't take long before I walked out of the bathroom and walked toward the door. I was hesitant to open the door since I didn't know who was up at this time. I brought myself the courage to open the door and peek my head out. The wave of delicious smells hit me in the face. The smell of food just made my stomach hurt worse since I was already nervous to simply walk out of my room.
"Good morning, Eun!" I heard a cheery shout to the left of me. I jumped as I turned toward the voice, seeing Jimin walking my way.
"Good morning." I bowed slightly. I felt Maca slip between my legs and the door, escaping my room. Jimin bent down to pet her.
"What's your cats name again?" He asked as he looked up at me, still petting her. Maca seemed to enjoy his presence.
"It's Maca." I smiled a bit. I was happy knowing that my cat child was happy. Jimin fluffed around Maca's mixed coloured fur. She was a white cat with dots and lines of various shades of gray. Her fur was long and thick, so she is always warm.
"I'm more of a dog person, but I hold a soft spot for cats." I crouched down as I watched Jimin continue to pet Maca.
"Jimin's touching pussy!" I heard Taehyungs shout from behind Jimin. I nearly choked from his statement. Jimin's face turned a bit red as he stood up and whined back in defense, "Yah, Taehyung! You're so inappropriate! Eun's only been here for a day and you're making a bad image of yourself."
"I thought it was funny." I smiled as I stood up. Maca walked off, mad that her attention was suddenly pulled away from her.
"She gets it." Taehyung smirked as he walked by us. Jimin followed him.
"Morning." I heard an unfamiliar voice. I turned toward the voice and was greeted with one of the boys I had yet to meet.
"Good morning." I bowed.
"I didn't get to meet you yesterday since I was so busy. I'm Namjoon."
"I'm Eun-jae, but you can call me Eun. I don't like when people refer to me formally, it makes me feel old." I smiled. Namjoon's smile formed too, revealing his two dimples on his cheeks.
"Oh, your dimples are so cute." I blurted out in awe. I honestly didn't mean to say that, but I didn't regret it.
"O-oh, yeah! T-thanks." Namjoon seemed to get flustered as he bowed and quickly dashed off downstairs.
The smell of food hit me again. I ended up walking toward the smell, leading to downstairs. I found myself walking toward the kitchen where someone was cooking. It wasn't Jun, but someone else. I saw this guy yesterday but I didn't catch his name.
"Hello." I perked up as I sat at the island table. The boy turned around while he had a spatula in his hand.
"Ah, hello! We didn't meet yesterday. I'm Jin. I don't think you can tell but I'm the oldest here." Jin smiled. He still looks like he's 10, and he's really handsome. Stop hitting on the guys already, you've been here less than 24 hours.
"I'm Eun-jae." I slightly bowed as I introduced myself.
"Nice to meet you, Eun. Would you like some breakfast before the others eat it all up? You can sit in Yoongi's seat since it seems as if he's still asleep." Jin pointed over toward the dining room table.
"No thanks, I'll just take leftovers later."
"If there are any." Jin laughed as he returned to cooking breakfast for the household.
I stood up from the island and made my way toward the family room where 5 of the boys were sitting. Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, and Hoseok. Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook were taking up the long sofa while Jimin and Hoseok took up the love seat. That left me with the only option to sit in the leather single sofa. I watched what ever shows were on that the boys were watching. It was some weird sitcom that I didn't expect they'd all watch together. I suddenly felt awkward and tense.
"Yah! Stop staring at her, you're making her feel uncomfortable!" I heard a lazy voice shout from upstairs. I turned toward the boys as they turned their heads toward the T.V.
"Yoongi hyung, you're up early." Jungkook stated as Yoongi walked down the stairs.
"I felt the presence of trash here." He yawned as he walked toward the family room.
"Yoongi-ah! It's not nice to talk about your brothers like that!" Jun shouted from wherever he was at.
"I'm not talking about them." He sat on the floor in front of the long sofa.
"I don't know if I should feel offended or flattered that you thought about me." I spoke. I don't know if I should back talk this guy, but I have a feeling I should defend myself in some type of way.
"Aish, why would I think about you? I have 100 other things on my mind." Yoongi spat. I slouched down in my seat.
"Yoongi hyung has a girl he's been hanging out with a lot recently!" Jungkook blurted out. Yoongi immediately turned toward Jungkook and hit him.
"Sheesh, that's my buisness" Yoongi growled. I smiled immediately and turned my attention toward Jungkook.
"Spill some tea." I put my hands together in an evil manner. Yoongi turned toward me.
"Well, they've been hanging out a lot recently after university classes. Yoongi always comes to me for advice." Jungkook proudly smiled as Yoongi sat on the floor with his arms crossed, clearly pouting.
"Ah! We can play matchmaker!" I beamed.
"How about no." Yoongi spat.
"Yeah! You can befriend her and talk good about Yoongi. Like his wing woman!" Hoseok grinned with excitement. Everyone seemed to agree with Hoseoks decision.
"You guys are so selfish! I wanna be in this too!" Jin whined from the kitchen.
"Yah! Why don't I have a say in this?!" Yoongi shouted as he stood up. Everyone went silent.
"Because you haven't denied us." I mumbled. Yoongi turned his attention toward me. He opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. He took a second to think again and he opened his mouth, "ok yeah I like her. So what?"
I smiled from ear to ear. It didn't seem like Yoongi would be the type of person to crush on someone. I wouldve thought he was the reserved type of person.
"We're going to hang out soon." Yoongi continued.
"Ah, maybe you should drop hints, then." Namjoon suggested.
"Yeah, only suttle." I added.
"Dress nice, not in what you're in right now." Jimin continued.
"Don't be so selfish and cold, too!"
"Don't make yourself look dumb."
"Make sure you have manners, open doors for her."
"-ok ok! I get it!" Yoongi interrupted everyone's suggestions. I felt as if he were getting annoyed. I didn't want Yoongi to act like a totally different person around her suddenly, so I came up with: "just be yourself." I smile as I said that. Yoongis expression turned from annoyed to soft. Everyone else agreed with me.
"Yah! Breakfast is done!" Jin shouted from the kitchen. Thats when the boys rushed to the dining table and island counter to eat. I suddenly felt hungry, so I decided to walk over to the island counter where Namjoon and Jimin sat.

Living with 7 Boys (myg x reader) ♡Where stories live. Discover now