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I am known as Yuuri.

I am 21 at the moment and I've decided life completely sucks.

Most of my life I've been pretty much alone with my parents busy running the bathhouse, and me quitting dance and figure skating after failing a few times.

I had no inspiration to continue anyhow so I didn't see a point in wasting my time to learn it.

So I now work at a small coffee shop in Tokyo and live alone in a small (probably moldy) apartment. The coffee shop paid for the bills so I am content, and at least I don't live in a cardboard box. 

It was a boring day barely anyone had recently come in, and it looked like a storm. I loved storms don't get me wrong, but I also don't have a car.

"Hey  Yuuri," Phichit would say as he joined me staring at the sky. "Ah, I see." He'd turn his head towards me, "Do you need a ride home today?"

I'd nod my head. Phichit was my 'friend' or at least that's what he said. I could feel his stare making gaping holes in my head.

"yes Phichet I could really use a ride, thank you." I'd say as kindly as possible.

The day ended after what to me felt like ten years. Phichit drove me home in the heavy rain.

I walked into the small apartment and didn't bother with eating I never do. I had managed to stay relatively skinny as of recently and I wasn't going to mess it up.

I laid on my hard mattress that made it home on the clean floor. I may live in a dump but at least it was a clean dump.

My eyes closed as I drifted off to sleep. Let the nightmares commence they couldn't possibly be scarier than the world.


The next day was as completely boring as the last only today was sunny.

I sighed telling Phichit about how bored I was today.

He'd nod then start sweeping and wiping down tables. It was the tenth time he's done that in 30 minutes. That's how 'busy' this place is today.

At last, someone walked into the door. He was tall and had silver hair with blue eyes, and may I say he was absolutely hot. I'll be the first to admit it as well.

I am bi I admit it I'm in no self-denial I'm a mother clucking rainbow and I know it. He walked up to me and put on a sly smirk. Ah, he wants a discount or maybe free even...

"Hello, what would you like?" I'd ask as he gave one of those 'cute' glances to the ground. "Can I get a cappuccino and a piece of chocolate cake." He'd say almost 'cutely' with a thick Russian accent. 

"Okay, sir that'll be 12.54," I'd say holding out my hand. He'd feel through his pockets, "ah I must have forgotten my wallet."

"I'm sorry to hear that, please come again." I'd say coldly.

He looked completely shocked then flashed me a toothy smile, "Can I please pay you back? I'm in quite a rush."

"No," I'd tap the register, "now if that's all there's another customer." I'd say as the bell on the door jingled. "Let me give you some advice." He'd say confidently, "meet me tomorrow at 8:30 on the dot."

"No thanks." I'd say eyes devoid of emotion and face in its a permanent frown. "Okay then," He'd smile widely, "then take this advice. Go out more.~"

"I'll think about it," I'd say softly before turning my attention to the woman who walked in, "Hello miss what would you like?" I'd say putting up my best fake smile.

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