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I woke up breathing heavily beside Viktor.

He turned around, "Yuuri, are you okay?

I nodded, "Yeah Viktor I'm fine,  it was just a bad dream."

He gave me a sad look, "Try and get some sleep, honey."

I twisted the wedding band around my finger, "Yeah I'll try."

He fell back asleep as fast as he had woken up. I sighed and laid down hugging him close to me.

It'd been a year since the mall and they still hadn't come. I wasn't ready for when they were going to.

I don't think I'll ever be ready. No matter how awful the nightmares are and how they always get so much worse.

I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to get some water.

A faint noise came from behind me making me whirl around and grab a gun the table.

Nothing was there.

I set down the gun and slapped my cheeks.  I was officially going crazy.

I chugged the last half of the cup and headed back upstairs.


I woke up to sun pouring into the windows,  and Viktor announcing that the skaters were through.

I'd been waiting for him to leave the mafia for months. He'd finally done it.

The room didn't say anything and he gave them more than enough to get by.

I walked past him with my messy bed head downstairs.

Bang. Bang. Bang bang.

"Hold your horses I'm coming!" I yelled in English, rather than Japanese.

I opened the door.

He rushed in a hugged me, "Yuuri I'm here to take you back, I know I'm late but I found you and-."

It felt weird to hear Japanese after speaking English for so long.

I pushed him off, "Stay away from me this isn't mafia."

I had thought of the perfect lie.

"I got away from them ages ago, and these kind folks took me in so I could hide out."

"Why didn't you just come back to us?"

"Did you not get my resignation letter?"

He looked sad and even sadder when he saw my ring, "I'm too late."

"By a year, " I slammed the door in his face.

Viktor walked down the stairs and gave me a hug, "Our daughter needs breakfast before school and I can't cook."

I laughed and headed to the kitchen.


It's been a year since he showed up at our doorstep and a year yes we've been free.

We've been living happily with our daughter Akari. She's the top in her class and the judo champ.

She's sweet and kind, she's everything we aren't.

But she's also everything we are.

We aren't a perfect family and I don't want us to be.

We're us and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

I was glad I'd taken the advice, and I was glad I only seemed to continue stepping on thin ice. But even still, I'm surprised. My happy ending came from nothing but thin ice and bad advice.

The end.

Thin Ice & Bad Advice (Vikturi)(BxB)Where stories live. Discover now