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High Hopes - Panic! At The Disco


"That's my name, don't wear it out."

"W-Why are you even here?"

"Because your dumb self has been doing a lot of dumb things recently."

"Work," I shrugged like it was a totally natural thing to infiltrate the Mafia.

"Yuuri, you're going to get yourself killed at this rate." 

"I know," I paused, "but I honestly don't care."

He closed the book he had sitting in his lap with a loud 'thump'. His eyes when he looked up at me showed a small bit of the emotion I knew he secretly hides. The other half ever so unfortunate for me was anger, however.

I knew what I had done wrong.

He used to have someone close to him who he didn't seem all too fond of. I remember her constant nagging about school and getting into the best university which I think was her way of showing love. Unfortunately, he didn't realize how much she cared until she was killed in a car accident last year.

"I can't lose someone else!" he yelled standing up.

"How are you going to manage to get me away from them now? Honestly, you're being irrational."

He bit his lip and turned his head away. "I need to be able to protect you."

"He's not the one who needs protecting here," the Russian's soothing voice stated bitterly. Was Vitya getting Jealous? The answer is yes.

I held back a laugh as I stumbled out of bed and towards the door. "You two can act like teenage girls in here I'm out." I heard Yuri's laughter from outside the door at my words.

Next thing you know Yuri's yells in protest and my sister's laughter filled the hallway and room.

"What happened?" I asked poking my head out the door.

"Well, I thought since there are two Yuri's he should be Yurio."

"My name's not Yuri!"

Viktor started to burst out laughing from behind me. "Aha! I'm not the only one who thinks so!"

Yuri shot him a glare then did a sassy hair flip and walked away.

I rolled my eyes at their foolishness but I guess I really couldn't talk. I started to walk downstairs as they were mocking each other. Then I abruptly stopped.

Tic. Tic.. tick...


"Is that brownies I smell!" I ran downstairs instantly.

"Hey Yuuri, want one of my famous brownies?" he gave me a slight wink. Ignoring the suspicious behavior I took one and stuffed it into my mouth.

"You do realize those have marijuana in them right?" Otabek snickered. I looked down at the brownie and took another bite while flicking him off. I heard a scoff come from him and amused snickers from the rest.




I regret everything I have ever done in my life. I was currently in my underwear and a dress shirt with a tie wrapped around my head. To say the least looked like an idiot.

Also from the numerous empty bottles, he could tell that the hangover was as severe as it felt. I blame that little brat Minami for it all too.

I took some Advil and water then dragged myself upstairs to take a shower. I grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom. However, the opening of the curtain greeted me with less the decent  Yuri and Otabek laid. So I did the only reasonable thing I could do. I turned on the cold water in the shower.

They hopped out of it like there was no tomorrow and rushed to their shared room. 

I turned on the water and just sat under the comforting downpour while thinking, and washing because smelled of booze and drugs. After an hour I finally felt clean enough to exit and left the room with a towel wrapped around my waist.

"So are you just going to sit and stare at me Vitya?" I said in a clearly annoyed tone.

He looked away face in a slight blush. "Also don't pretend you're high or drunk you didn't do either last night."

"How did?"

"I just knew," I walked into my room after that sentiment. 


I walked out of the room after getting two more hours of sleep and changing into clothes.

I walked downstairs to be greeted with seemingly put together people.

The doorbell rang and walked over to answer it. "Yuuri? What are you doing here?"

My eyes widened.



Short and sweet! How are you guys doing? 

I'm doing great my day just consisted of getting stuck on a kiddie coaster at Carowinds and playing Uno on a trashcan at Carowinds as well.

Honestly, I'm already sure how I'm going to end this story and how many chapters it'll have but that's a secret for now.

Thanks for all the votes and views it means the world to me. Anyways as always hope you're all doing well.

With love,

Author-Chan (aka Ellie)

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