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Inner Demons - Julia Brennan


   I woke up in the bed instead of the floor and no Minami to be seen. Someone must have come in and lifted me into it and made Minami leave because I know he'd still be in here if he could. Also, the most likely wouldn't have been able to have lifted me onto the bed. I don't know what could be so special about me...

  I noticed it was 1:17 pm, I had slept for a long time. Also, this wasn't a dream it was real. Real... I'm not sure if real is good or not anymore...

  I stood up and noticed a white long-sleeved button-up shirt, black ripped skinny jeans and a striped tie. Whoever gave this to me must know my style pretty well. I put the outfit that I had gotten from them on and put on the tie loosely.

  I opened the door greeted with the scent of obviously delicious food, but it made me want to gag. I stalked down the halls with my hands in the pockets of my jeans. 

  "Hey, Yuuri!", Minami greeted.  I held my hand up and did a small wave. More people greeted me on my arrival but Minami was the only one making actual conversation with me. I mostly ignored what he said though which I felt bad about.

   I took into account the few who had injuries. Chris had a split lip, JJ was seeming fine but held onto his side every once in a while, Otabek seemed fine other than the small bruise on his left cheek. Yuri had no injuries and was fussing over 'Ota' as he called him and I didn't see Viktor anywhere.

   I sat at the island in the kitchen and Minami took his place beside me.

  "Yuuri! Can you please make muffins!", he'd ask excitedly. I nod my head as I got up to see if they had the right ingredients. 

   Some of the few lefts in the room came up to Minami and asked what I was doing. Every time they asked though he just excitedly shouted, 'Muffins!'. 

  After a while, I set the fresh chocolate-chip muffins on the counter and started to head back to my room. 

  "Wait! Yuuri aren't you going to eat the muffins YOU made?", Otabek would ask as he handed Yuri one. Yuri seemed to like them but he kept up his tough act. I shook my head no and went back to going to my room which was a top priority. 

   Along the way, I brushed by someone who was unfamiliar to me. I was sure I had already been introduced to everyone.

  "Who are you?", I asked turning my head towards the figure. What I could now see was a man flinched as I asked him the question. He ran past me opposite of where he was originally heading and out the door.

  "Oi!", I yelled starting to chase after them. Minami ran to see what was happening followed by the rest of them. "Yuuri?", he questioned.

  "Someone was here", I'd turn away from the door to face them. "Who?", Yuri questioned voice in his usual asshole tone. "I don't know they hid the face."

  Minami rushed passed me and closed and locked the door. "I'm sure it's nothing", JJ would brush off walking back into the kitchen, "Besides no one would mess with the king JJ!" I swear I'm gonna kill him someday...

  I turned around and headed back towards my room before Minami stopped me. "Yuuri, I got you an actual room come with me", he'd say excitedly hoping slightly from foot to foot. I followed him up the flight of stairs and to the last room.

   It was bigger than the one I was already in but way cuter. The walls were pastel blue with dark blue bed sheets. There were several plushies of different animals and foods lined up on a wall and a dog. Wait for a dog?

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