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One more light - Linkin Park


I spend behind them. 

Chris was yanking at his seat belt so he could secure it around himself -probably to mock my driving at the moment- for safety and such. By now the other car had noticed us following it and began to speed up while one of them started looking for -most likely- a gun.

"Chris", I didn't need to finish my sentence because he was already loading a gun as well just-in-case. I could see the whore look behind to me with her signature smirk and face close to -my- Yuuri.

I noticed them starting to take a turn, "When they turn to shoot the tires." Chris nodded his head readying the gun. 'I swear Yuuri I will get you back in record time', I thought to myself.

As they were getting ready to make it past the curb Chris shot at the tire. He clucking missed. Why had I decided to trust Chris with shooting it? He is literally known for his terrible aim. Annoyed the car chase was continuing I switched the car from comfort to sports mode. Now, this shiz is getting real...


I spend the car so that we were now side-by-side with the sluts.

Her face held a nasty scowl that in my opinion fit her personality perfectly. The car rammed into ours -which they are going to pay for- and we rammed right back. 

Chris pulled out his phone the call the rest of the gang for backup. Then I noticed it.

"Chris! Get down!"

My window shattered spraying glass all over me and sending some shards into Chris. I felt myself slam onto the breaks as Ketty's car zoomed off with Yuuri into the distance. I scowled and looked over so I could see the damage.

I had gashes and tiny pinpricks running up my arm, chest, and face. I looked over to Chris and shook his shoulder lightly. He didn't reply instead his limp body fell over into the dashboard. That's when I realized what the damage was.

Chris had been shot.

Headshot to be exact.


My face paled at his limp figure. She killed Chris. How dare she.

First, she kidnaps the man I love right from under my nose. Secondly, she shoots my best spy. Now she's killed my best friend and second in command. This little hoe shouldn't have done it. Because now my wrath is at it's complete fullest.




Thirteen minutes later Yuri, Otabek, and JJ arrived at the scene. I rushed out of the car at their arrival and refused to let Yuri come any closer to the car. Otabek and JJ agreed after they had seen the terrible scene that was Chris' death.

The world seemed to have a darkening cloud over it. "JJ we need to take out some people who have been causing issues with the drug trade. Get one of the lower ranks on it", I said voice icy cold.

JJ just nodded his head and called up one of the lower ranks. "Yuri and Otabek you two make sure you declare war on the Black Petals", I said my voice flowing with malice.

They also nodded their heads in agreement as we filled the grey Mustang. 

I walked back into the house to find blood covering the floor. Minami...

What I was fretting was the case. 

Minami stood in the kitchen with a bloodied knife. "They tried so hard", he hummed lightly.

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