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The song did fit with the storyline for the chapter but the main reason it's here is in honor of his life. Because even though I was never really into the type of music he sang he still inspired me. Rest in peace XXX may you sing with the angels.


Do you ever get the feeling that your free falling on solid ground?

If so you know exactly how I feel right about now. I see colors swirling like some sort of effed up kaleidoscope. The seat under me feels like a repetitive dunk machine. Not to mention I have the worst headache I've ever had in my entire life.

Though I don't know if it's because of the kidnapping or the overdose of drugs- probably the drugs- but it effing sucks.

I hear noises but I don't want to even think about opening my eyes. I'm not ready for what I could even start to be greeted with on this fine time of day. 

I roll my head to the side involuntarily and get greeted with ice cold water as a side effect. My eyes shoot open making my un-adjusted eyes 'scream' in pain. After a few seconds, I can take in my surroundings. 

I was sitting in a chair with my hands and legs strapped down to it. 

I soon noticed the crowd that was in front of me. It was a mix of men and women in fancy clothing holding what looked like bidding signs. 

I noticed the dry feeling in my mouth and tried to speak meeting with the realization I was gagged. As I tried to somehow get it off a man in a light grey tux walked onto the platform beside me.

He cleared his throat and began talking in the funniest voice I'd ever heard- and I've seen The Dark Knight Rises-. 

"Here we have a 21-year-old male who is very submissive AND a virgin!"

I chocked. How DARE he call me submissive and the only reason I was a virgin was that I hadn't found the right person yet! 

"He's quite the looker as you can clearly see not to mention he swings both ways."

If it wasn't for the restraints I would've already K.O. punched this douche. I wouldn't feel bad about it afterward either.

"Now since he's clearly quite the package why don't we start at a thousand?"

He did not just say I was only worth a starting of a thousand. Honey we all know this ass is worth at least a good Five-million.

"A thousand-five-hundred!"

"Three thousand!"

"Five thousand!"

A gun clicked somewhere in the crowd.

"I'm not paying sh!t but I'm taking him", a gruff voice declared flatly. 

A soft giggle of a woman followed behind his voice. "We'll pay I don't want to make a scene."

"I'll take him for a million", her soft voice said happily.

"None of you are taking him", a familiar accent filled my ears.

At his voice, I looked up and frantically began looking around the room for any signs of where it came from. A few minutes of doing so I felt strong arms wrap around me and begin loosening the straps. After getting my hands undone they took off the gag.


"Not quite", the gruff voice made me shiver as the woman bounced up to me to undo the straps on my ankles. 

Thin Ice & Bad Advice (Vikturi)(BxB)Where stories live. Discover now