Only Girl In The World

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Chapter 23

Jess' point of view

They're back home. Having the time of their lives with their gold tiaras and huge mansions.

And us girls? We were forgotten. They're now too preoccupied with their different dates, every night. We're already old news, I bet.

I missed them all already, so much. Their warm, calming scents still lingered the bungalow. I wanted to slam the door shut to prevent them escaping. I wanted to keep their scents wandering around the place. However, I didn't, because I knew that they really did want to escape.

How were they so convincing? How did we all fall for them? This deep? They're a wordwide famous boyband for gods sake, of course they wouldn't hopelessly fall in love with a bunch of worthless, pennyless girls. This was all probably some pathetic public stunt; just a complete laugh. Still, though, the way I recalled Niall looking at me, with utter pleasure. There was something about that, that still somehow gave me a small glimmer of hope, that maybe, just maybe he might've just felt something towards me. However small it was.

And anyway, it doesn't matter because they're gone. I don't expect I'll ever see them ever again and I don't expect they'll ever want to see us ever again.

Definitely, that is what hurts the most.

The lot of us were sprawled across anything we could find. Wondering what the hell had our lives have now come to.

I heard a storm of footsteps approaching. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY HAVE GONE." Yelled Corinne painfully.

The rest of us turned and looked at her distraughtly. We were all too worn out and speechless.

"I MEAN," Corinne breathed in sharply, obviously holding in brimming tears. "T- they, they've just l- left."

She began to repeatativly breath in and out faster and faster, screwing up her face, then covering it with her hand.

I got up to comfort her shaking shoulders. I embraced her calmly, and after a while she began to hug me back tightly.

"It'll be okay." I whispered, just loud enough for her to hear me.

She sniffed, pulling me away and revealing her blotchy, red face. "But they're never coming back. A-a-and I believed them. I- I thought Zayn, I thought, I thought he was different." Her innocent eyes started to screw up with fustration. Knowing what was coming next was the most horrible feeling. "But he's not." Again, tears flowed down her face.

I shook my head ferousiously. "We all did, Corinne." I was now attempting to stop myself from joining her teary state. "We all believed them."

"How does that help?" Corinne cried, wiping more tears from her streaming eyes. "They're still gone... and I still feel, just feel, something..." She rolled her eyes at herself. "Ooh!" Corinne said with anger as she realised what she had just admitted.

"We don't need them." I stated. "We're fine just by o-o-ourselves."

At that, I couldn't hold back my fustration. I also began to feel tears roll down my cheeks and I hugged Corinne tightly.

Seconds later I felt the other girls arms around me, also. I guess you can say we're in this together.


A couple of days later

I slumbered delicatly on the sofa, wrapped in a tatty blanket, holding a great tub of ice cream. I was shivering from the cold, but also sweating from the heat. I brushed my tangled hair away from my tearstained face and searched the room for civilisation.

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