Martin's house

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Roxy pov


Martin picked me up and flipped me in the water. I reached the top to see Martin laughing. I swam closer to him.

"you thought that was funny" I asked

"it....was....hilarious" He said between laughs.

i came closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "what about this" I whispered in his ear.

Quickly he stop laughing and looked at me. I met his glaze and started leaning in.


Before our lips could touch i held my index finger in front of us. His eyes were closes so when he lean his lips touched my finger. He paused and his eyes shot open. His eyes met with mine and i couldn't help but to break out into laughter.  

"yo-yo-your.....face....wa-was................priceless" I said between laughs. 

He looked confused still and then caught on seconds later. He face instantly grew a grin. I stop laughing and started feeling scared.

"Martin wh-why are y-y-you grinning?" I stutter.

"you"ll find out later babe" He said before jumping out of the lake. 

Oh im in deep shit now. He could do anything at anytime. 

"come on Roxanne its getting late and i don't want your brother to have a bitch fit" Martin said with a smile. His smile was cute. He had one dimple on his right side, it just made it twice as cute.

I got out of the lake, slipped on my clothes, and left with Martin.


"Roxy, Wake up. Someone is on the phone and its for you"

I opened my eyes and saw it was Twobit. I pushed the covers off of me and walked into the kitchen. I picked up the phone and put it on my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.


"Martin why are you calling me so early?"

"do you know what time it is?"

"um nope"

"its 1:45 p.m. Its not early"

"for me it is. I happen to wake up at 4 p.m for you information"

"yeah ok. So i was wondering if you wanted to come by my place"

"uh sure why not. Let me get ready first"

"ok bye"


I put the phone back down and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth then jumped in the shower. I quickly washed my hair and my body. I turned the knob and walked out the the bathroom. I walked into my room and looked  for something to wear. I dropped my towel and started putting my undergarments on.

"Hey Roxy i was wonder-" 

I turned around and quickly covered my body with the closest thing i found with was my bed sheets. 

"Pony what the hell are you doing here?" I all but screamed. He didn't seem to be in reality so i walked up to him still covering my self and slapped him.

"ouch! what was that for?" He asked rubbing his now red cheek.

"you seem to be off in la la land."

"oh sorry"

"yeah, sorry. Now why are you here?"

"oh right um i was wondering if you seen Johnny anywhere?"

"nope not at all and im not planning on it. So if you excuse me i have to get dressed." I said shoving him out of my room.

I finished putting my undergarments on and put on high-waisted shorts and a tie-dye tank top. I grabbed my combat boots and slipped them on. I dried my hair and kept it down. I walked out of the room and grabbed Twobits keys.

"Two I'm taking your car" I yelled before shutting the front door. I climbed in the car and started driving to Martin's.


I knocked on his door and waited for someone to open it. But no one did. I knocked again and hear some one say "Come in". I opened the door and walked in. Before i could take another step i got drenched with water. I looked up but couldn't see anything. I heard laughing but couldn't see who it was. I felt my face and felt something hard. I took it off and looked at it. I was a pan that had pie in it. 

"MARTIN YOU SON OF A BITCH. YOU GOT ME SOAKED AND THREW PIE AT MY FACE. YOU'RE A BASTED. i FUCKING HATE YOU" I screamed at him while punching him. It didn't seem to bother him because he was still laughing like an idiot. "MARTIN STOP FUCKING LAUGHING" I yelled but he didn't stop. I cupped his face and our lips collided. I pulled back and realized i got pie on his face.

"you know you don't look to bad with pie on your face." I said.

"don't look to bad yourself" He said with a wink.

I pushed past him and walked into his bathroom. I wiped the pie off my face till I was spotless. 

"um you can get changed in my room" Martin said.

I nodded my head and walked to his room. I slide my shirt and shorts off. I looked in his drawer and found a large shirt. I put it over my head and let it reached a little above my knee. Some one knocked on the door and i said to come in. 

Martin came in with clothes in his hand but set the down on his dresser. His mouth dropped open and his eyes widen. I walked closer to him and got on my tippy toes.

"are you ready for you punishment?" I whispered in his ear.

Before he could reply I kissed him. His hands found their way around my waist and mine found their way around his neck. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his  waist. His hands moved and now one on a small part of my back and the other on my thigh. I asked for an entrance and he gladly gave me one. He walked over to his bed and gently laid me down on it. He broke the kiss and started kissing down my jaw line. A small moan came out of my mouth and i swear i could feel him smiling through the kisses.  He stopped and look at me.

"are you sure?" He asked.

I instantly nodded my head and brought his lips to mine. I flipped us over so i was now on top of him. "I want you" I said before kissing him roughly once again.

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