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Dear Unsuspecting Person,

To you, I am unknown,

But I will make you feel alone.

I am a feeling,

Your harboured secrets, I will be revealing.

A cloud of disheveled thoughts I will create,

A blanket of fog, filled with malicious whispers await.

The happy smile you paint on your face,

Only I know the pain you refuse to embrace.

The aching in your bones,

Feels like you've been beaten with stones.

A myriad of sleepless nights,

Result in hiding away the tear-stained pillow sights.

Wasting days inside one room,

Desperately wishing for safer days in the womb.

Silent screams of agony unheard,

Pushing yourself to feel anything, but your vision is blurred.

Numb heart, shattered soul.

Until you break as a whole.

I am, depression.

And your happiness will become my possession.

Even stars find their lights fading sometimes. We can't shine all the time, that's too much too ask. We have to take care of ourselves. Little by little, one day at a time. Depression and mental illness are very important, and must not be forgotten or ignored. This poem will mean different things to each of you. It  may not be necessarily you that has felt this way, but someone you know. My message box is always open if you want to talk, about anything.  :)

Remember that you are not just one single star, you are the whole night sky, and your light is infinite.

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