A Queen is Born

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The White Squid, floating gently upon the ocean, leaving a trail of waves in its wake. Salty water from waves splashed up to meet Leona Crabnet as she stood on the main deck, looking down beside her, looking to mysterious swirls of the ocean. The thick scent of rum and seaweed was stuck in the air as the crewmates did their chores upon the vast ship. Ira was at the wheel of the great pirate ship, a male crewmate beside her, holding a map. Leona gazed up at her captain. She had now been upon the ship for twenty long years and the life of a pirate was never dulled. Ira "The Fox" Brink was still a mighty captain, nevering letting the Squid get into the hands of any other pirate ships or let it be taken down by a nation's navy. 

She gazed up at Captain Ira. It had been a few many years since her first mate Paxton had perished due to sickness and yet the aging captain still refused to name another first mate. Leona longed to be beside her captain. She had grown up on the ship and she thought it was fitting her to her be named First mate of the White Squid. But at last, the only thing Leona could do was wait, and that's what she did. She wondered around the main deck of the ship. 

Leona was known for being quite a thief, even for a pirate. In her younger years, she would play a game. She would see how much she could steal from her crewmates and blame it on someone else. The crew knew this game, and hated it greatly, but since Leona was raised by the Captain, no one dared to confront her. At least until today. 

Leona slithered her way through the crowd of men and woman pickpocketing little things such as coins and bracelets, getting bored of her game quickly, Leo thought to challenge herself. A muscular man was sitting down, using a barrel as a table as he and two others played card. Around the waist of the large man was a belt, and latched onto that belt was a gun. Leo's eyes lit up with mischief as she walked gracefully over to the group of men. Placing her elbow on the man's shoulder and leaning on it, she started her game. 

"Afternoon mates." She grinned cheekily. All three of the men were in light clothing of tan trouser and a white top. The third man, named Gale, was shirtless unlike the other men.

"Leona." One of the men said. His name was Ingram, he was one of the more brutal crew mates, and one of the more disgusting. Rotting teeth filled his smile as Leona grabbed a few cards and  played them out and beat the man Leo was trying to steal from. "Sly hand you got there little Leo. What's your game?" The man who she was  raised an eyebrow at the young pirate. Ingram, the man she was trying to steal from and the third ship mate, whose name was Gale all stared at the cards then Leona as she spoke.

"Nothing Ingram, just a bit of boredom." The man with the gun looked up at Leona and blinked, giving her a nasty look. Leo looked back at him and smiled innocently. She removed her elbow from the mans shoulder and played out another card, beating out the third man. Leona slowly lowered her hand until she reached the gun, she wrapped her fingers around the handle lightly then froze.  Ingram chuckled.

"Now how sly really is your hand?" Ingram laughed loudly, showing off his rotting smile. Leona cocked her head to the side and blinked. The man with the gun looked down at Leo's hand and with no hesitation he grabbed her wrist, yanking her entire body away from him. He held her hand above her head as Leo struggled to gain freedom.

"You damn rat!" Nayako, the man Leona was trying to steal from spat. The strong scent of rum drifted through the air and stung Leo's nose. 

"Let go!" She reached up with her other hand and tugged at his hand. This only caused him to lift her off the wooden deck of the ship.

"Not so sly, now are you?" Ingram chuckled. "You may think you are the Cap'n's kid but your nothing but an unwanted scavenger." At this point, her hand was turning an off purple color as the man gripped it tightly. She winced in pain and struggled to be free.

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