A Silver Ring

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The sounding of cluttering feet filled the silent hallway as servants rushed down the stone made corridor to the prince's room. They were carrying food and clothes as the sun had just risen and it was their job to get the prince ready for his daily duties. One of the servants pushed opened the thick wooden door to the prince's quarters and the others rushed in. The room was large, with a massive bed pushed against the left wall. A desk and tables were placed on the right side of the room while taparies of kingdom's colors, blue and green decorated the walls and floors of the prince's room. the The prince was already up and standing at his window, looking out to the vast rolling hills that surrounded the castle and his father's kingdom. The kingdom was located no far from the sea, but was still a days trip from the docks. From the window of the prince's room, he could see the faint outline of the blue ocean.

His name was Rin. The second born son to the king, Rawkin Crovan. Rin was never trained in the way of his brother, he was never seen as suitable for king as he was second born. This didn't bother Rin as much as one would think. He was allowed much more freedom than his brother and that he very much liked. Not having to train to become a king, Rin had taken an interest in the magics of medicine and the art of healings. A profession that was noble enough to get respect from his father and his elders, but still gave him most freedom. Rin turned to looked at the possy of servants as they invaded his room. He was dressed in his sleep were, which consisted of a loose fitting shirt and trousers made of soft fabric. Rin was born with dark chocolate colored skin as the kingdom by the sea was mostly populated with colored skin.

"Good morning my prince, I see you are awake." A female servant spoke as she walked towards him holding a few papers. Two other servants walked over to the man and started to take his shirt off his torso. "You have an hour to get ready than its off to the healers place for your apprenticeship..." The servant started listing off the day's activities to Rin as servants dressed him in proper attire. They dressed him in a royal blue coat with golden stitching and buttons with making trousers and black shoes. Rin nodded disinterestedly as he popped the color of his coat and looked at the female servant.

"Any news of my brother's return?" Rin asked as he fixed the cuffs on his sleeves. A male servant offered him food but Rin refused it with a movement of his hand. The female holding the papers shuffled through then shook her head.

"No m'lord. I believe he is to return in a week's time." The dark-skinned prince nodded and dismissed the crowd of servants so he was once again in his room. Taking a deep breathe, he relaxed. Rin never liked how people did almost everything for him. He was no king like his father, and he was hardly a prince either. "Your father also wishes for you to know, the newest of servants should be coming in this week, he wants you to greet them." She continued.

He quickly grabbed a large leather satchel that contained books and notes. Rin glanced at the meal his servants had left for him. It was the normal breakfast of sweet bread, berries, and water. Rin shrugged and turned around, leaving the breakfast in his room as he left. Even though the young prince had awhile before he had to report to his work, he preferred to get there early.

The person who was the healer of the court was an old lady. She was dull due to age but nonetheless brilliant in her ways of healing. Rin rushed through the massive halls of the castle, he held his bag close to him as he dashed down the stairs and out of the back doors. Fresh air hit his nose and he took a deep breathe. He smiled softly as he walked down the stone path that lead away from the castle but still on its grounds.

The kingdom's healer lived a distance from the castle, but that didn't stop the large stone building to loom over the healer's cottage. Rin let himself through the gate that surrounded the small house. Various plants of strange shapes and colors were growing in the front yard. Rin stopped and looked down at an odd looking plant with blooming blue flower like thing growing from the green sprouts. He smirked slightly and made his way into the house.

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