Crown on the Shore

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The blue sky had vanished behind a thick layer of clouds. A storm was coming now doubt. Leona sat on the railing of The Sea Lioness, her now faithful ship. Some time had passed since the burning of The White Squid, and Leona showed it. Though she was still fairly young, not even out of her late twenties, grey hairs sprouted from her scalp. The aging of her and the ship had speed up greatly after the infamous battle. When Leo was named captain of The Sea Lioness she grew out of her cocky, spoiled behavior. She swung her legs back and forth, her eyes focused on the horizon. Leona soon spotted a ship in the distance, an easy target no doubt.

Since a storm was brewing, most ships were preparing for a battle with the ocean and not another ship. Leona swung her legs over the railing and jumped back onto the deck of the ship. Placing her hands on her hips, she demanded attention to her with a simple pose.

"Everyone prepare the ship for storm, and ready yer weapons, a ship on the horizon!" With the final word leaving her mouth, the crew erupted into organized chaos. Most of the original crew who helped with the defeat of The White Squid had left, returned to their lives. Her crew now was a mixture of prisoner from merchant ships or thieves that joined them along the way. Leona smirked. She rather enjoyed being a captain, and she finally earned the respect she lacked most her life.

She made her way up to the wheel, where the now gruff Rin stood. Over the few years, he gained muscle mass, he was now no doubtingly the strongest man on the ship. Rin's hair had grown out and was now in dread locked pulled back into a pony tail. Leona came up to him and placed a soft kiss upon his cheek.

"A ship on the horizon, aye? Is it wise to attack in the storm?" Rin questioned. Leona had entrusted Rin to steer the ship, it took a year or so to actually teach him but now, he enjoyed it.

"Why not? We are better off in a storm then whose ever ship that is, it is easy pickings Rin." Leona said, taking a couple of his dreads and braiding them. Rin shrugged and turned the wheel. The sea vessel careened to the right, heading in the direction of the ship. As they closed in, the sky started to cry. Water droplets poured down slowly in a slight drizzle. Rin's eyes narrowed at the ship, studying it. It bared the Drolux colors and was adorned by the royal crest sewed onto the sails.

"Leona... that's a Drolux ship." Rin said.

"Aye? So? We've raided Drolux ships before." Leona stopped braiding her partner's hair and focused her gaze upon the ship.

"That is a king's ship, my father could be present." A cold breath escaped his lungs. Leona gave Rin a puzzled look.

"We ain't nowhere near Drolux."

Rin shrugged. No matter, Rin no longer had a father. When he become a pirate, he left his royal heritage behind. Soon the ships were side by side and a man dressed in general armor stood at the railing.

"You bear the marking of an unauthorized royal ship. Prepare to be boarded." The official looking man stated. After he finished speaking, wood planks were lowered.

"Aye aye, cap'n, someone will be boarded indeed." Leona hissed. As soon as the echo of the wooden planks hitting the railing, the crew of the Sea Lioness rushed the king's ship. Leona and Rin were close behind. Rin's anxiety bubbled inside him as she stepped onto the fine wood of the royal ship. He didn't fight this battle. Instead he glanced around at the somewhat familiar faces of the generals and soldiers that wore the colors of the home he gave up so long ago. The rain started to beat down now, casting a thick grey mist around the two ships. Rin glanced at the sky as the cold rain stung his skin.

"Rin Crovan." A voice sounded behind him. When he turned, he was greeted by the aged face of Elis. Rin was speechless the say the least. His brother dawned a Drolux crown, one only worn by the king. He had grown a scruff that covered his jawline. His long hair was absent as it was cute off, the only thing that remained was the stubble of hair. "When you said you were taking the pirate home, i would not have guessed you'd stay with her." Pain stung his words. "And here you are, years later, raiding a ship that would have been yours." Elis said.

"Elis..." Rin started but paused. He straightened his back and stared down his brother. If his years of piracy had taught him anything, Rin could not show weakness. "I do not owe you an explanation. I chose this, i do not need you scolding me." Rin drew his sword and stood in an attack position. Elis gasped and drew his sword. The two brothers eyed each other down. After what seemed like an eternity, Rin lunged at his elder brother though Elis was quick in defense. The metallic ring of the swords clashing had an awful echo to it. The vibration climbed up his arm and settled in a pit in his stomach, dragging him down.

"I never thought you'd leave a life of luxury for sea sickness and death." Elis grunted. Rin was overpowering his brother quite easily. Elis blocked an attack with his sword sideways, but Rin applied more force and soon their faces were mere inches apart.

"Give father my regards, for i do not apologize for my actions." Rin was knocked back by Elis' brute force. Rin slipped slightly due to the rain causing the wood to dampen

"You do not know..." Elis stood straight, fixing the crooked crown that rested upon his head. "Father passed." The words struck Rin like thunder. That is why Elis wore the King's crown. He was the King of Drolux. "He died, never knowing what happened to his son. It broke him."

Rin scoffed and readied his blade again. "That i do not believe dear brother." Elis took a deep breath and stood up, giving off a powerful and demanding presence.

"As your brother, i demand you stop this raid at once and come home." Elis said. Rin gave a small laugh which turned into a full blown howl. Elis squinted in his eyes and pointed his swords towards his brother. "Are you not a pirate? Stop your crew!"

Rin calmed his laughter to a small chuckle. "Oh my dearest Elis." He attacked Elis once more, this time knocking him clear to the floor, his weapon being thrown out of his grip. Rin rose his sword his Elis' nose and pressed. The cold tip of the blade pressed sightly into his nose. "Bold of you to assume i have authority on my ship. That honor belongs to Leona. Queen of the sea."

Hey yall. Just alittle authors note. This is a WIP. It is by ni means finished. Its only up fir beta readers

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