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Leona felt confident as she exited the captain's quarters. She waltzed her way carelessly towards the wheel of the ship. Leona fully believed that she have in fact, saved her captain. She looked ahead of the ship when she reached the wheel and sighed heavily, soon this nightmare would end and everything would returned to how it was before the illness struck.

"Leona." A small voiced called. It belonged to a younger member of the ship, around seventeen years of age. He was a thin lad, not much bigger than Leona herself. A scruffy little thing. He was dressed in leather trousers and no shirt, his skin was tanned from the ocean sun and his hair was fairly grown.

"What do you need boy?" She questioned.

"I wan'ed to see the cap'tain, see how she's doin'?" He inquired. She thought for a moment. She saw no reason to neglect the kid to see his captain, and so she allowed it. She nodded and the two went down to the quarter's. Leona swung opened the door. Rin was on his knees done beside Ira's body. His head was hung low but turned it when the door opened. His eyes held fear and sorrow. Rin stood up from the bedside and stepped towards the young captain.

"Captain." His voice shivered. That's when she knew. She had passed on. Leona dismissed the boy who had followed and he vanished below deck. "She... she uhm.." Rin tripped over his words.

"She died... Ya failed." Leona lowered her head and her voice went cold. "Ye die with her." And with that she took her leave. She was dead. The person who raised her, cared for her, was now gone forever. She had died at sunrise, she passed away peacefully, or as peaceful as a pirate could've. Now she was alone. Leona would be forced to tell the crew of the captain's untimely death. How would they react? Would they retaliate? Questions drifted in and out of her clouded mind as minutes turned into hours.  She wandered aimlessly around the ship. Leona didn't speak a word or shed a tear. Rin stayed in the captain's quarters and prepared the departed Ira for a pirates funeral.

When the sun was nearing it highest point, Leona changed from her nightwear to her 'formal attire', which consisted of a pair of brown knee high boots, black leggings, and a reddish leather coat with no sleeves, under the coat she wore a blouse. Golden jewelry hung from her neck and golden piercings dotted her ears. By now, all of the crew was aware of Ira's death and all were ready to attend the Captains farewell.  The ceremony was quick. Ira was placed in small boat and released to drift alone the ocean, all crew members watched for a moment then went off to mourn their own ways or drink. Leona, however, stood at the rim of ship and watch Ira's boat as it slowly lost itself in the distance. In her hand was a flask of rum. Every few moments she took a sip, enjoying the burn of the rum flowing down her throat. Awkwardly, Rin made his way to her, he placed his hand on her shoulder and sighed. When Rin approached her, she placed the flask in her pocket.

"Leona..." He began. Without a moment of hesitation, Leona grabbed Rin's arms and twisted it to his back, forcing him to lean over the railing. The dark prince gulped in fear as he came face to face with the dark ocean. 

"YOU did this!" She thundered, her grip tightened, turning her knuckles white. Rin winced in pain, he opened his mouth to speak but Leona silenced him by shoving him hard. "I will make ya suffer an imaginable pain." The words slithered from her mouth like a serpent, in a cold, harsh tone. Grabbing the collar of Rin's shirt, she dragged from the railing and towards a large plank of wood. Leona kicked the plank over and with a loud thud it hung over the unforgiving ocean. Leona shoved him so he stumbled onto the plank and the pirate drew her sword and pointed it at the prince. She walked towards, the wood creaked with every step. 

"Aye. Who would've guessed that the cap'n would walk the plank." Proclaimed. Leona whipped around and before her stood   Ingram. Gale and Nayako loomed behind them, all three men had weapons in their hands, ready to attack. "Hello Leo." Leona felt her face heat up with anger. She raised her sword to face them. She took a step forward, as did Ingram, blocking her from getting off the plank.

"Move." Rage flickered in her brown eyes. Rin was now crouching slightly, due to nerves or the rocking of the ship he was starting to lose balance.

"Oh I think not." He creapt closer, causing Leo to step back. Lifting her arm for an attack, she slashed the sword at Ingram. An echoing clash of metal rang, the force from Leona's sword hitting Ingram's was harsh. The sword vibrated in her hand, sending an odd feeling throughout her entire body, causing her to let go. It all happened so fast, the only thing that brought her back, was the unfortunate sound of the sword hitting the water below.

"Dam-" Her anger vanished, only to be replaced by fear.

"Out of luck, ain't ya?" Ingram grinned and the others behind him chuckled. She stepped back again and again, only to run into Rin, who stumbled back and almost fell back. Rin placed his hand on her should for support, Leona grabbed the side of his shirt and held on tightly. Ingram still walked forward, this time Leona couldn't step back, that or she'd fall. But Rin did, losing his step he fell back. Acting quickly, Leona turned and grabbed his arm before he fell to far. For the first time they came face to face. Leona stared into the deep eyes of Rin, which stormed with fear and regret. Their hands started to slip.

"Leona please!" Rin begged. "Do not let go." Tears formed in his eyes. He was crying. He truly didn't want to die. Pity invaded her body but before she could say or do anything, she felt herself give way to gravity. Rin slipped from her grip and into the ocean but she was next. Ingram placed his boot on her back and kicked, sending her flailing after Rin. She watched the water come up to meet her. The water consumed her body, dragging her underneath the surface, sending the cold liquid into her mouth and lungs. She squirmed around frantically. She could not swim. The salt water made her eyes burn. From the salt water or fear she saw a shape swim towards her. Leona, not knowing what it was she tried to get away, only to be grabbed by the waist and pulled up. Breaching the surface of the ocean she coughed and gasped, getting choked by the water in her lung. Beside her, Rin did the same. Holding her up by her waist, he saved her. He let go of her and she fell, being once again swept under. Rin pulled her up.

"Can you not hold yourself up?" He questioned. The emotion in his voice couldn't be decoded by Leona.

"I can not swim!" Now, Leona was being overwhelmed by emotion, tears flooded from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around Rin and squeezed tightly. "I don't want to die." She cried.

"We aren't going to die." Rin said soothingly. "Look over yonder." He said, facing towards an island in the distance. "I'll get us there." Rin gulped "Hopefully." He whispered to himself.

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