Poisoned Heart

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"The arrow was poisoned." His heart skipped a beat, maybe two. It didn't matter. Leona was struck with poison. By the looks, it was powerful. Leona already looked like death itself.He picked her up with ease and held her close. The arrows kept coming, as did the voices. He had to get out of sight, he wouldnt be able to outrun them with Leona. Carrying her like a bride, he bolted through the jungle for a few more yards until he came to an area with heavy brush. Rin slithered his way into the bushes, shielding Leo with his body. He held her close to him, becoming more worried as the minutes passed.

Rin held his breath and covered Leona's mouth. The crowd of dangerous bandits were passing. Leo gasped for air, her fair skin sweating profusely. Rin frown. "Hush, it'll be okay, just be quiet now." He said as softly as he could. It didn't last. When then last man had passed them, he released his hand from her mouth. Rin sat back for a moment, taking a breath. He waited to make sure the bandits had moved on until he got up. Rin picked Leona up and started moving away from the bandit camp. When he decided they were far enough away, he laid Leona down. Sitting back against a tree he stared at her.

She was dying. He had to get her some help. Her skin was a sickly green and sweat dripping from her face. Her breathing were shallow and raspy. She was too weak to move even an inch. "Helm's root..." He sighed. Helm was the god of death, it was fitting for a very deadly plant to named after him. The poison that was made from the root of the Helm's plant was almost always deadly. Unless it qas treated right away. It was far to late to keep moving, and not safe at all with the bandits about. He decided he wouldnt sleep, he'd kept an eye on the pirate.

When morning came, Rin was still awake, barely. He rose to his feet and stretched. Leona had survived the night, but she wouldn't much longer
"We need to get to Master Charis." Rin walked over to her and kneeled down. He nudged her slightly to wake her up. When she opener her ever dulling eyes, he spokem "Come on Leo, we need to go." He helped her stand on her feet. Due to the wound on her leg and the poison that ran through her veins she couldn't stand. Rin held her in his right arm and placed his left knuckle on her forehead. She was burning. Leona's eyes were half closed, though she made eye contact with him and she grinned.

"Yer handsome..." Her voice was slurred and soft. Rin felt his cheeks heat up with flush.

"Leona, you have no idea on what you're saying." Rin sighed, he took the pendent from around his neck and fit it over Leona's head. "To help clean your poisoned body." He placed Leona on his back. Now the adventure truly begun. He started off into the jungle.

During the trip, Leona babbled on about randomness, in which Rin had so admit, was slightly cute. As he walked he became sad and walked slowly. Without the so-called intelligent conversations Rin and Leona had yesterday, he zoned out. He always had this problem, ever since he was a kid. Rin only ever understood it as anxiety, which he had extreme anxiety. But that wasn't the point, he fell deeper and deeper into the trenches of his mind. The girl on his back was a pirate. He was a prince. That was that. He tried so hard so push all thoughts of Leona from his mind. But they always crept back. Rin couldn't help but feel as light as a feather as he thought of her. But alas, he knew the reality. Then why was her trying so hard to help her? He was so lost in his own world, he didn't notice the men calling him.

"Is that the missing prince?" A male voice questioned.

"It is!" Another exclaimed. Soon a chatter of voices arose, dragging Rin from his mind. The king's men! Relief fluttered his stomach as they approached him.

"Prince Rin, we have orders from your father to-" A knight in armor with a cloth shirt and the kingdom's emblem on his chest said. He was no doubt the general.

"To return me home, gladly." He responded.

"Your highness, who's the girl?" A knight asked.

Rin smiled softly. "A friend." They all gathered their horses, and prepared for the ride to Drolux. When and soldier offered to take Leona, who was fast asleep at this point, Rin shook his head. "She rides with me."

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