A Pirate's Habit

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The dinning hall was just as Rin remembered. Fine cut wood and stone, delicate paintings and tapestries hung on the wall. Dozens and dozens of candles were place all around, giving the room a warm glow in the brisk evening. Rin sat at the head of the table. To his right, his bride-to-be, on his left was his father. They rest of the table was full of Drolux and Solaris noblemen, generals and everything in the middle sat, chatting. Rin nervously tapped his fingers on the table. His anxiety was shot through the roof. He had not clue where the stray pirate was, or what she planned to do. All that Rin knew, is that Leona wanted his life.

Promptly, the king stood. Dressed in the finest clothing, with soft colors of blues and reds. He grabbed his goblet from the table, which was filled with the sweet nectar of wine. He rose his glass and smiled. "Welcome, tonight we celebrate my son, Prince Rin, and his return from being captured by a brutal pirate crew. We also celebrate his engagement to the fair princess, Simona of Solaris." As the king spoke, others raised their goblets to toast to the prince. Rin sank deeper into his chair, his face growing warm with embarrassment. He glanced over at princess Simona. She had her head down, refusing to look up as well. King Rawkin smiled,  he grabbed a bell that sat on the table and rang it. Without a moments notice, the wooden doors to the dinning hall swung open. Servants, all dressed in black uniforms rushed him. They carried food, more pots of wine. But one maiden caught Rin's attention. She was an older one of the servants, with gray thinning hair, wrinkles riddled her face. The woman rushed over to the king, a worried expression on her tanned face.  

"Your highness..." She spoke softly then leaned in slightly, as if she didn't want anyone else to hear what she was about to say. "One of the new servants tasked with getting the wine, was found drunk in the cellar, she is still there." Even though the woman tried to be quiet, Rin still heard. Panic and rage washed over the prince. It had to be her. The expression on his father's face changed from joyful to confused. He wasn't angered, he simply nodded. Before the king could speak, Rin interrupted. 

"I can take care of it father." King Rawkin looked at his son curiously. "If i am too be king soon, let me deal with this stray servant, as practice for my new role." He insisted. The king looked at the elderly servant then back at his son. He nodded.

"Alright my son. You may attend to this issue." The king stated. A hint of pride drifted in his words. King Rawkin brushed his clothing and sat down. Rin smiled slightly in fear, he was calm for a moment then scrambled from his chair. The people of the table watched as Rin awkwardly chuckled then quickly left the room.

As the large wooden doors closed behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief. He leaned his back on the doors. Panic overcame him like the sun appearing from behind a cloud. Why was he doing this? Rin knew deep down he wouldn't punish Leona, even so he couldn't be sure it was Leona. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Doubt. How would be even handle coming face to face with a woman who tried to kill him, who kidnapped him. He shot open his eyes. With no warning or hesitation, Rin bolted down the corridor towards the kitchens. No matter his fate, no matter what was to become of him, he wanted Leona to return to her life.

He passed by other workers of the castle. They gave him strange looks and muttered as he rushed by in a hurry. He felt every footstep on the fine stone, the jolt that ran up his leg. Rin was so focused on running, on Leona, that he almost misses the  kitchen. Skirting to a halt, Rin opened the doors with force, causing it to swing and hit the wall with a bang. The staff that remained in the kitchen jumped at the abrupt entrance of the prince. A scruffy old cook who stood before a pot simply pointed towards a cellar in the back. Rin nodded his thanks and charged towards the back. Pushing the door open with the same force as before. But this time, the door revealed a new sight. Leona was sitting on the floor, her head leaning back. In her hand was an overflowing goblet of wine. When Rin entered, Leona looked up. She looked like hell. He had only seen her an hour or so ago.

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