Remembering unwanted memories

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Taken from their somewhat cozy cave, Leona and Rin were dragged through the jungle. Lagging behind, due to the wound on her leg. This obviously didn't please one of the bandits, who pushed her forward to walk quicker. She stumbled, tripped and staggered until the bandits had lead them to where they were going. It was a small yet abandoned villages. It was crafted from jungle stone. Elegant carving were etched into the collapsed buildings. In the center of it all, was a stone circle, within it was a camp fire, a tent of two and many more bandits. Along the edges of the destroyed villages, trees sprouted in the most unusual of places. The prince was tied to a tree near on the edge of the camp, Leona was tied to a tree that was very close to Rin, but all together was a different tree.

The man who tied Leona, looked at her up and down, smirking softly to himself she spoke. "Don't worry, we'll have fun together." As the words drifted from his mouth, fear and anxiety crawled up Leona's spine. This caused her to shiver slightly, making the grin on the bandit grow larger. When he walked away, Leona sunk into herself. Rin looked at her and nudged her the best her could. 

"Mind telling me why i am mute?" He whispered sharply to her. Leona glared at him. 

"If they knew ye were a prince, they'd ne'er let ya go." Leona grumbled. Her eyes drifted from the floor to the bandits who sat around the fire. They drank and laughed, some were asleep, others were disgustingly shoving food into their mouths. At this point in the night, the moon was nearest it's highest point. 

"We need to get out of there, any more time and that wound of yours in bound to get infected." Rin huffed. 

"Ya don't think i don't know that?" Leona hissed under her breath. She thought for a moment. What would Ira do? She questioned. Leona then tugged and pulled at the ropes that trapped her against the tree. Strong rope. She looked above her and around, nothing in sight that could help. Though the pirate was to distracted by the thought of escape, Leo didn't even notice the bandit waltzing up to her. He was the leader, or so she thought. He was dressed in steel armor and animal furs, his grin worse than the others. He slammed his meaty hand on the bark next to Leo's face. 

"My..." He voice trailed off and he looked at her up and down in a, suggestive way. "Ain't you a pretty lass?" He grinned. With his other hand, the man grabbed her cheeks and drew his face closer to her's. "Now why don't we get a better look at all of you." The bandit freed her from the tree and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her to the center of the other men. Her heart raced, her mind was swarming with thoughts, what else could she have done then just stand there? She was too weak from her injury, but besides. She looked back at Rin, fear clouding her gaze. She couldn't leave him. The bandits surrounded Leona as she looked for an escape, they all had this look in their eyes. This look of hungry and craving. She didn't notice how rough their skin was until one grabbed her. She froze.

It was many years ago, she hardy remembered any of it, but she remembered the feelings. Every emotion, every unwanted memories.

Yes, the feeling was all to real. Even though it happened when she was a child, she remembered it all to clear. It was a silent night, no waves rocking the White Squid as it stood still in the soft moonlight. Leona had just turned into her teens, still so young. She remembered a man, of pale skin but paler hair, green eyes and a jagged smile. Leo sat on the edge of the railing, enjoying the piece and quiet of the night, until he walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder. 

"Hey Leona." Was all she could recall him saying as he grabbed her. She didn't know what to do, she was so small and the man was so big. All she could do was retreat back into her mind and wait til everything was over, so she closed her eyes. Darkness.  Hiding behind the dark of her eyes stopped her from seeing, but not feeling. Leona remembered the pressure on him, the uncomfortable moments, everything. The pain, the fear, the tears dripping from her eyes. She didn't scream or yell, why didn't she call out? It could have saved her. Why didn't she just yell? She remembered every place on her body where he placed his hands. Leona felt sick, disgusting, she remembered wanting to throw up and hide. 

"Leona..." A voice called. No i ain't ready. "Leona." It called again. It was the pale man's voice, but it was in the distance. She didn't want to look, she didn't want to face the man who deflowered the girl. "Leona!" The voice called again, still fading into the distance. I don't want to open my eyes, not yet. 

"Leona!" Rin drew her back from her mind. It was Rin who was calling her name. Leona opened her eyes. Around her, the men stood and they were closing in, touching her. With no emotion or words, Leo spotted a sword on the belt of one of men, She grabbed it and slash in one direction. When she realized what she had done, it was too late.  One of the many bandits in front of her, hand deep cut from his left shoulder, to the right side of his pelvis. He choked and gagged, falling to the floor as the others raged. 

Left and right, blades swung at Leona. She being a pirate she held her ground, but she wouldn't last much longer. The clashing of the swords vibrated her body but that didn't stop her. She fought her way through the group of men, but more were still to come. She managed to break from them and rush towards Rin. With a quick swoop of the sword, she cut the rope binding Rin to his tree, but the sword was wedged into the trunk, unable to be removed. She tugged and pulled on the sword, but it wouldn't move, not even an inch.

"We have to go, now!" Rin yelled as he grabbed Leona by the hand and started running. At this point, her body ached with pain from her leg and the now many cuts that littered her body. She wanted to sleep.

As the two ran side by side, arrows flew passed them. Hitting trees and the brush around them this thick thuds. The screaming and yelling of men followed them as they ran. Without warning, an arrow was shot towards them, grazing Leona's left shoulder. She groaned, and tripped to the floor, tumbling forward.

"Come on Leo! You have to get up!" Rin stopped in his tracks and went back. Grabbing Leona's waist he lifted her. Her knees and face were scratched, blood dripping down from the fresh wound. She coughed.

"Rin..." She murmured. She looked at his face, her visioned was blurry, she wasn't able to see much of anything. She weakly out reached her hand and touched his face. The expression on his face was one she would remember. It was worry, for her. "The arrow was poisoned" She gasped.

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