Sea Monsters

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The normally fierce and wicked seas where calm as the night gave way to a brisk dawn. Orange and soft yellow hues streaked across the growing blue skies. The line where the sky greeted the unknown depths of the ocean was shielded by gentle wisps of grey mist. Off in the distance, the eerie sounds of splashing and cries from unknown seas creatures could be heard, adding a solemn and unwelcoming feeling that would send chills down the spines of the most heartless of souls. All souls besides the hungover one that belonged to Leona Crabnet.

 With sleepy eyes and a more tired body, Leona awoke in a bed she did not remember entering. She slowly sat up and studied the strange new room. A wooden area that Leona recognized as a Captain's quarter. For a moment she was confused, so very confused. She knew it was the room of a captain, but it wasn't the one she knew by heart. Her heart began to race when she saw unfamiliar black and white clothing on the edge of the bed. Curiously, she glanced at her body, wondering if she had company in the hours she couldn't remember. Easing Leona's heart, her chest was still bound in bandages and her hips were covered by shorts, the only thing missing was her red coat, which she saw was neatly hung on the back of a chair against the wall. Sighing with relief she focused on the room again. Her headed pounded with the forced of a herd of cattle. She brought her hands to her head and thought. Was it all a drunken memory? Everything? The death of Ira, the kidnapping of the prince, but it wouldn't explain where Leona was.

Leona's need for water surpassed the concern for her whereabouts, so she promptly stood up. Standing too quickly, the blood rushed from her head, causing her pounding headache to increase heavily. She sat back down on the bed, her back towards the door that she assumed lead onto the deck of the ship. The rocking of the massive ship did nothing to help ease her queasy stomach. She groaned very loudly as she hung her head down, catching it in her hands. The only thing that drew Leona's attention away from her aching body was the soft creaking of the door opening. Leona cared not who opened it, perhaps it was the person who she had boarded the ship with. This was only confirmed by the what the voice that belonged to who entered said. 

"So you are awake. I had guessed you would have slept through the day." Leona glanced over her shoulder, squinting at the light that now filled the room. She looked at the large figure that was Rin. She scoffed. Leona was still stuck with him after all. "You have gotten me into a world of trouble." Rin started to scold the pirate. Glaring at the man she groaned with misery.

"Quiet ya prince scum." Her voice was horribly rasped from the dehydration. This obviously took Rin aback, he closed the door behind him, ceasing the light from entering the room. Leona turned her gaze away from him. "If yer goin' to yell at me, at least bring me some water." She licked her dried lips. Now that the blinding lights from the outside were gone, Rin gave a sorrowful gasp. Leona looked over her shoulder at Rin, he was staring at her back. Quietly, she hung her hand over her shoulder and gently touching her back. She knew full well what he was looking at. Her back was a tangled mass of deep scars. Some where so long that the covered the length of her entire back. 

"Wha-" Before Rin could even finish his sentence, Leona interrupted with a harsh laugh. 

"Being a pirate ain't easy Rin." She  looked forward and away from Rin as she slid her hand off her shoulder. "If you believed it was, yarr a bigger soft-hearted milkmaid than i thought." Her insult rolled off her tongue with delight, Leona laughed softly to herself.  Leona stood up once more, her head pounding viciously but she was contempt on standing. "Now, yer gonna tell me whose ship i'm on and wheres it going." Leona staggered up to Rin.

"Calm down. You are aboard a royal vessel, we are the only ones on it. As for where it's going. Well, i haven't the slightest clue." Rin stated, the scent of wine still lingered off of Leona's body. Leona scowled at Rin with a look that could kill.

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