Captain's Voyage

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The cool ocean breeze rushed passed the the young captain's face as she looked ahead to the endless body of water in front of her. Ira was too ill to continue as captain and everyone on board knew and only some treated Leona as captain. It didn't bother her to much, she was set on saving Ira and she believed she would be treated with respect after she had saved the old captain. Leona brushed her brown hair from her face and stepped down from the wheel. She had to admit, the power of leading the crew was a rush that Leona enjoyed every much. Being as young as she was, she still needed someone to mentor her, and the only one who she saw as a mentor was dying.

Leona fixed the tricorn hat what sat upon her head. She wore a reddish leather tailcoat the button on the torso, on her legs she had black leggings and brown mid-thigh boots to match. Various necklaces and braces decorated her neck and wrists. After she was declared captain she took it upon herself to dress the part. Leona walked down the main deck of the ship and looked around the crew. 

"Cap'n!" Leona heard a female voice called, the voice belonged to a young girl by the name of Neda. The crew kept a person with some medic background onboard the ship to help with wounds or illnesses as such were common in the life of a pirate. "Cap'n Leona!" She heard Neda's desperate voice call her as she ran up to Leona. "It's Ira, there isn't much i can do without fresh herbs or proper supplies." Neda took Leona hands on her own and squeezed. Leona didn't know who seemed most fearful. "I-I'm afraid that she doesn't have much time. She asked to see you." Neda finished talking and kept Captain Leona's hand in her hand and lead Leona to the captains quarter.

The young medic pushed open the door to reveal a far sicker Ira than Leona remembered. She was bedridden, covered head-to-toe in thick fur blankets. When Neda swung open the door, the strong odor of sickness hit Leona like a gust of wind.  Groans from the bed pulled Leona's attention from the thick scent to Ira. She quickly made her way to Ira's side and kneeled down beside her. The old captain was pale, no color remained in her face other than a sickly green color. Ira's eyes were closed and sweat dripped from her face. 

"Ira has a very high fever, and has been throwing up worse than a sea-sick lad." Neda said as she placed a wet cloth on the old captain's head. "I say she has a week left cap'n." Neda's voice was soft and sincere. Leona looked at her captain. She felt sick just looking at her. Ira fluttered opened her eyes and looked around the wooden room. The pupils were dilated, almost no part of her brown eyes were visible. With glossy eyes and sweat dripping from her face, Ira was shaking. "I wasn't able to determine what had gotten her ill, but now i know." Neda gulped and looked at the young captain. "Flux Death."

Leona's heart dropped. It was true then, Ira was bound to die. Flux Death was an illness that few-to-none overcame, and even if they did they were never the same afterwards. It mostly affected pirates and all other sea-dwellers alike. It was carried by rats that had stowed away on the ship. "Are you sure? Can't we fix this?" Leona pleaded as she stood up to face Neda, but then she stopped. She took a deep breath. There was no time to panic, it was un-captain like. Ira would never react like this. 

"I'm sorry but, without fresh supp-" Neda started to talk but was cut off by Leona.

"I don't care what you have to do, keep her alive until we hit land. Then we have find another healer, who isnt as useless as a bilge rat." Leona grabbed the collar of her blouse and pulled her to her. "If she dies before we get another healer, I will personally take my sword to your gut, ya hear?" Before Neda could respond, someone else spoke.

"Leona," A soft, raspy voice said. It was Ira. Leona looked down at her captain and kneeled down once more beside her, as she did this Ira grabbed her hand and squeezed. "a captain should never threaten her crew out of fear." Ira murmured quietly.

"Fear? I am not afraid dear Ira." Leona said, she looked down slightly, trying to hide her eyes with the tricorn hat that sat on her hair. She only looked up when she heard a raspy laugh from Ira. 

"Little Leo." She croaked out. "When you've been captain for as long as i have, you know what fear looks like." Ira turned her head as far as she could to look at Neda. "Two people are fearing for my life." Ira gagged as she coughed up red. Neda was quick to clean it. "There should only be one my Leo." Leona was confused. Ira always talked as some wise men and no one bothered to asked what she meant. "I should be the one fearing my death." Ira placed her hand on Leona's shoulder. "Ye shouldn't be afraid of what comes, you'll be fi-" Ira coughed again. Neda, acting quickly, moved Leona out of the way and sat Ira up. When the old captain sat up, the fur blankets fell, revealing how frail and thin she actually was. 

Leona stood up and walked backwards, her eyes never leaving her captain. She watched Neda give her water and wipe her face. Ira was completely helpless. No. Leona thought. This isn't how she dies. Captain Leona spun on her heel and marched out of the room. She almost gasped when she took in the fresh, salty air. Leona loved the scent of the salty ocean, so did Ira, and she was determined to let her captain breath in the scent once more. As quick as a fish in wat, Leona made her way to the front deck of the ship and looked ahead. Her heart fluttered with hope as she saw in the distance a dock. The dock surly belonged to the kingdom of Drolux. A nation build on a fishing empire and waterway trading. Large ships and small fishing boats could be made out. Beyond them was a village, the dock-side town that was full of fishermen and traders. Further on, was the mighty kingdom. The dock and the castle itself grew larger and larger as the ship sailed closer to it.

By now, the sun was setting and everyone was getting restless on the ship as they wanted to sleep. Leona ordered the crew to dock away from the oceanside down as a cover, so they weren't questioned by athorties. When the ship hit land, the tied the sea-vessel down and Leona dismissed them to sleep, but she didn't go to bed. Instead she left the ship, leaving her tricorn behind as to tried to hide her idenity as a pirate. She made her way through the small town, looking for nothing in partiualr. Captain Leona then came to a bar and walked in. A small wooden building with few to no people in it. The bar was warm and had a strong scent of a achol. Leona walked to the bartender and sat down.

"Aye, one bottle of rum." Leona said, placing a few coins on the table she leaned on.

"What's a young lass like you doing in a bar?" The old man working the counter said as he gave her a bottle. "And drinking heavy liquor too." He was a olding white man, with a white bread to cover his wrinkling face. 

"I need it." She took the black color bottle and took a drink. "By any chance, do you know of a healer that can heal Flux Death?" She asked the bartender. He thought for a moment.

"Yeah actually. Prince is a healer, a pretty good one i hear to." The old man said. 

"A prince?" Leona questioned, confused if she had misheard him, his only response was a nod. Leona grinned happily, the first time she had been happy in awhile. She chugged most of the rum. "Thank ye, sir." She stood up, the rum still in her hand she walked out of the bar. Leona looked back in the direction of the ship. She stood there for a moment. She grinned to herself then turned the other way and started walking up a path that lead to the kingdom.

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