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"Yes, you are going out with us tonight. You can settle in tomorrow. No one told you to catch a later flight, hoe. Put your little bags down, take a nap and get ready. Love you, bye."

*Beep, beep, beep*

I haven't been home an hour before I was summoned out for the night. I missed my girls, yes, but after a three hour flight and dealing with customs at the airport, I was done for the day.

At least I was granted time for a nap.

These past two years I've only been home for major holidays and most recently to look at apartments for when I graduated.

I fell in love with a one bedroom lofty apartment in Upper Manhattan.

Most of my furniture is from my parents house and some things are from my apartment back at school- but I loved it all either way.

Most of my furniture is from my parents house and some things are from my apartment back at school- but I loved it all either way

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It felt very homey and of course, it was all mine

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It felt very homey and of course, it was all mine.

I moved out of my family's home a little after high school because I knew I'd want to go away for college. Due to our "comfortable living" type of money, I chose a two year institute that would save money and build up my GPA in the long run.

Now that I'm back home after four very stressful semesters I've decided to maybe take a gap year or go part-time for a while.

Adulting was hard and I was such a princess at home. But I've always been very independent and headstrong. So here we are.

And now I need a nap.


"Knock, knock, hoe!"

I knew that banging wasn't just in my dreams. I groggily got out of bed and padded towards the door.

Opening it up to see my best friend of four years, Jayde, I stepped aside to let her in.

"Ima let you get your little 10 seconds of silence because I know you just woke up. So go ahead and get you some water so I can hug you up, girl!" She said and excitedly shimmied her way to the couch.

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