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Why is it  so fucking easy to lose tord! I mean I even have my fucking moments but they have a year between them at least. I run to edd’s place telling him what happened. but there was nothing I could do.

-POV Change-

I hear the door open it had to be fuck boy or the new red leader. I kinda wish that I wasn’t an idiot and tried to talk to. He was bugged so that I could have known what he was doing but the we fell in love. now that has happened the world is keeping us apart.

“Stå opp og gjør som befalt eller du vil bli drept” (Stand up and do as commanded or you will be killed) he said. I don't know why he's talking in Norwegian maybe it's easier? I walk out to the main room of the leader.

“Let’s talk in english after all we're supposed to know it all the way through.” I stated.

Rolling his eyes he replies “fine, so I have something to show you.”  he pulls out a USB drive and plugs it into his computer showing me something I have created. Which I wish I didn't it was Monster Tom or when Thomas is monster. “ this thing here can destroy entire armies including ours why did you make it? Were you planning on having it go against other armies cuz you haven't had it go out in battle. I was thinking of bringing it in and well experimenting.” He smirked.

I couldn't hide my anger anymore I yelled “You bring him in and I will kill you when I get out of here!”

“then cooperate with us if not then this thing is going to be experimented on.” I nodded I don't want Tom to die or get hurt. I get walked back to myself crying to myself. I wish I could just die so that he would never get hurt.

(sorry for it being short I can't think)

h:heaven e:entirety l:love l:lustTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon