Kingsleight Before and Now

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The Kingsleight word was originally from the first king of the Kingsleight named Harry Kingsleight. He was a Vampire Everfall who ruled the Kingsleight Kingdom in the Jonathan's era. Kingsleight was huge and same as New York.

Kingsleight in Jonathan's Era
-it was Kingsleight Kingdom before, the places were medieval theme, the swordsman, the knights, and other warriors that existed in the middle age were the soldiers of Kingsleight Kingdom, the Kingsleight Kingdom had main palace which the royal personnel lived there. There were also social status.

Lower class:
Peasants, Servants

Middle Class:
Merchant, Kingsleight Soldiers

Upper Class:
Royal Knights of Kingsleight, the King and Queen.

The Kingsleight Palace was like a big structure of castle, many luxury and gorgeous structure in middle age theme can be found inside, a massive amount of rooms and glamorous garden. The Kingsleight Palace was surrounds by the several town like Sivanni Town, Have Town, Seven Flora, Mauvrile Island and Ivannsa Town. Sivanni town can be found in Northward, Have Town was found Eastward, Seven Flora Town was Southward, Ivannsa Town was Southeastward, and Mavrile Island was Westward of the Kingsleight Palace. Most of the houses on every town was made of woods, some structure like the farms, blacksmiths, barracks, training yards and town halls can be found in every town of Kingsleight kingdom.

Kingsleight today
-due to the modern technology, the kingdom was became a city which it called Kingsleight City and the towns houses were added and it was very looks modern, many buildings and highways were built, cars, motorcycle, and other vehicles can be found everywhere. Carnival, shops, school, mall and etc. was already added. However, the structure of Kingsleight Palace was still remained due to the part of the history, but the queen of the Kingsleight added some modern furniture and fixture like some light bulbs, air-conditioning and etc. The soldiers of the Kingsleight was upgraded, most of them were using a guns, tanks, and other military weapons.

Sivanni Subdivision had many houses which most people rent a house there, a Sivanni Laboratory, Witchery University where most of Warlocks and Witches studied Witchery, and Aigara Corporation who produced a potions that they distribute to sell.

Have Town had also many houses which the ghouls were living, had a park, an amusement park like Have Carnival, a Have Restaurant which was popular, known as restaurants of all races because they also served a meal that is a human flesh which is for ghouls.

Seven Flora Town was one of the attractive place because you can found everything you might like, it had a mall where they can buy many stuffs that people can be use from their daily life. The Gareth's Witchcraft and Spell book store that you can buy a things that can be use to craft witchery and other things, the university where people can study their degree and a training yard where the wizards used to practice their skills.

Ivannsa town had few houses and structures but the whole town was surrounded by the tall walls to protect from attackers. The town was not big so there was some forest surrounded the town.

Mavrile Island was the big island, it was jungle but there was a cave which the demons lived there. However, the cave had some modern furniture and fixture. They needed to hide their place since they were protecting their treasure.

There were some places yet unseen even it was already day 21 since most of them was hard to dig or to explore.

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