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after she has gotten her useless books and notebooks, she went ahead to the classroom, leaving behind the students continuously chattering with their friends, leaving him and her behind too.

she didn't have friends, even one. she only have him left. so, why bother staying, right?

she finally sat back at her usual seat, the most concerned one in the back.

nobody noticed her there, except when the teacher decided to call her almost - invisible presence.

nobody bothered her too, since she had a vacant seat next to her, that was used to be his seat. now, it was empty, a seat that nobody wasted time to sit on.

nobody cared, and she didn't care either.

the school bell rang loudly, indicating that all boring classes were about to start.

unlike most of her classmates, she didn't feel enthusiastic at all. it was homeroom time and she was just expecting a kind-looking man bringing some books and discuss his life story, which only some actually cared about, to come inside.

the teacher stood by his table, greeting the students with a smile plastered on his face.

the teacher started explaining, at the same time she doodled around her notebook, not caring about what the teacher is explaining about.

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