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by that, she meant by how people will think of her, how people will treat her after knowing her, especially jungkook and taehyung. responsibilities she never asked for. satisfying the preferences set by the society. she feared of being a disappointment despite knowing she already was.

she found herself frowning. that is what overthinking brought.



and apparently,

her illness and insomnia.

it's not like she could help it though.
it just suddenly spurts out of nowhere and eventually hinders her from resting, from actually escaping the monstrous thoughts she makes, even just for a few hours.

that brings her where she is now.

continuously being a failure to her parents, to her family, to the generation.

and there she is again, constantly overthinking things once again.

how did she even go to this topic when she was thinking of taehyung in the first place?


she thought of him again.

what is he doing right now?
is he still sleeping peacefully? or by this time, he was stretching his body as he just woke up?

she could imagine him sleeping with his angelic smile in his face as he is lying comfortably in his own bed.

she could feel her eyes getting heavy and heavier by each second she thinks of him.

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