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"well.. i occasionally go to my doctor. i am told then to drink this certain medication to help palliate my sickness' affect."

"have you been following him then?" taehyung looked up to her, their eyes met.

jinah remained silent.

"wow. i somehow guessed you were not following him. well then, i'll be the one who will remind you to take your pills starting from now on. and you better promise me that!" taehyung commanded, she laughed at his silliness.

jinah did not like the fact that another person was demanding her to get better by drinking her medication.

but she never hear his voice with pity, unlike the voices she have heard from people when she revealed she had this illness.

there was no sympathy, which was one of the things she despised, and it was just genuine concern and worry.

"yeah, i promise." jinah said to taehyung.

if it was for taehyung, her only friend, the only person who had the courage to break into her bubble, she would gladly do it. she would gladly want to feel better.


jinah recalled everything again that happened today.

suddenly, beeping sounds are heard from the table. it was her phone.

new message from taehyung

did you drink ur meds yet ma'am?
9.52 PM

not yet, mom.
Sent 9.52 PM

drink them already!! before
i kick your ass!!
9.52 PM

ok mom jeez, istg this is child abusing
Seen 9.53 PM

taehyung did not break his promise of reminding her to take her pills and go to bed early, texting her at the right time, every day that passes by.

jinah didn't break her promise of abiding by taehyung's demands, taking her medication and trying to get some sleep.

she was becoming happier and more proud of herself as she was constantly getting better and better.

she was getting at least 2-4 hours of sleep, depending on her mood, stress, or whatsoever.

DARK NIGHTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora