Wattpad Drama

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Honestly, a lot of what is going on is getting really out of hand. 

Isn't this supposed to be a platform where people can share their ideas and their love for their favorite people? Apparently not. 

What used to be a place where everyone accepts each other and can be one football family has turned into a place of hostility and unnecessary drama. 

Ever since I've been on this part of Wattpad, all I have seen is people wanting to leave because of other people in the fandom. There appears to be a lot of disrespect between users on here. This isn't okay.

It's impossible to like everyone you meet on here. You're not going to mesh well with some people and that's okay. I have my own group of friends on here, which is how I hear about a lot of this drama. So much of this is ridiculous. 

For one thing, people seem like they can't have an opinion anymore without people ganging up on them and attacking for it (or taking people out of interactives smh). 

I'm not saying that you can't say that you disagree with someone. There are some things that are going to be up for debate between the fandom, such as whether Sergio deliberately hurt Mo or not. I admit I got angry about that and maybe went off on someone, but I'm not going to disrespect another person because of their opinion. Of course I will passionately state my opinion over and over again, but I'm not going to be rude to someone for it. I'll move on after that. 

It doesn't even have to an opinion about football that starts it! Do i really have to explain this? It's like "you think makeup is too much? Okay well, here are a bunch of my friends with me to tell you how horrible of a person you are." I may have exaggerated on that a little but I'm pretty sure the point is clear. It's little things that set off drama between people. 

There's also so much stupid drama with interactives too. Like if you don't save someone, just pick the first person that picks that footballer. Don't go choosing your favorite people all of the time. It's unfair. Interactives are supposed to be fun and something that everyone should be included in. Yet, we start shit over those too. This is why people get upset and stop joining. 

Newsflash: no one is better than anyone else on here. no one is superior on here. No one is ruling Wattpad. Grow up if you think you are. Grow up if you enjoy constantly attacking someone. 

You love Sergio Ramos? Cool, I do too. What's not to love about him? I'm not going to fight you over him. I'm not childish like that. 

The only thing I'll fight you over is if you disrespect someone I care about. 

The reason I say this is because I'm sick of seeing my friends be upset and not enjoying being on here anymore. Honestly, why are some people trying to ruin this platform for others? Let people live their lives and live yours. We can coexist with each other. 

Let me know your opinion. 

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